
Monday, May 15, 2017

Birthday weekend

So the three day weekend went off fine despite the rocky Thursday night episode.  The highlights included the "boys only" picnic on Saturday and the "humans only" trip to the lake on Sunday.

The 1.5 mile walk to our Saturday destination included passing by the swamp

...some of us passing closer than others...

I guess we're supposed to call this the PFW Bridge now...  the "fart bridge"?  Yeah, it works...

Swallows having a time over the river.

And tucked into the remotest part of the "PFW" nature trail, our picnic spot.

Our picnic fare, along with a canteen of water for Scrappy (food shared)

"Damn right..."

This goose was the leader of a band of about five that apparently thought they made prior reservations to our spot.  He would go back and forth honking for several minutes- as you shall see- before giving up and leading them across the cove.

See?  Still going...

This is Scrappy pouting because I remained sitting after the food was all gone.  Animals, can't please 'em!  Got worse after a lady and her dog happened by.

And there are the geese, finally convinced that goose intimidation tactics don't work on me, across the cove climbing up to kibbitz.

Me, at peace for a change.

Scrappy, not so at peace.

Besides the geese and the lady, we also had a heron, a kingfisher, and a couple of boats go by.  And one big fish that jumped twice.

Almost a racing rower

This is Scrappy trying to hide from me so he could eat grass

The geese have now been scared off accidentally by the lady with the dog

So finally the walk resumed.  Here we are, examining the gazebo.

And this tree, that was of particular interest

Where we were, from where the geese went

Other doggies enjoying the river.  Which may not be "an ocean with banks" like back east, but we don't have to deal with commercial ships blocking the view or crabbers in our back yards, either

And this brings us to the Sunday part of our story, spent in large part at the Pokagon Nature Center.

They were about to embark on a VERY steep ride down...

Lillies of the valley!  How I wanted to bring some home!

Chipmunks were hard to catch- until you got close to the restaur- er, the nature center

Whaddaya lookin' at, buddy?

One fuzzy jay, one flying 'munk

Lotsa these cute little red squirrels

If you ever need a picture of a woodpecker's butt, here ya go

Lots of little turtles inside the center.  They were feeding a tiny snapper worms.  "You can find them in our macadamia nut cookies".  Thank you, no.

Cold?  Yes!

Still not believing Laurie didn't take a "butt pic" when I stopped to roll up my pants a bit

These two dogs had a time in the water chasing each other

Home early to give Boofus some bark park time.


  1. Happy belated Birthday! Looks like a good time was had by all. Those little red squirrels are so cute! They chase the big ones out of our yard. ☺

    1. That's what it said on the info sign at the Nature Center. But at that point there was enough for everyone.

  2. Chris:
    I'm happy the batteries in the camera were working fine.
    No "baby bels'? What-the-hey?
    Sculling on the river. I prefer REAL boats.
    LOVE those chipmunk
    Plenty of squirrel-action, too.
    Pokagon looks like a great place to get away from it all for a spell.
    (at this point, I'd need another galaxy...HA!)
    Glad you had a good birthday.
    (just make sure you have many more, okay?)

    Good post.

    Stay safe up there, brother

    1. Didn't need BabyBels, had cheese sticks.

      I don't think you need that other galaxy. I think you just need to turn home off and take a chance.

  3. Hey, happy belated birthday! It is looking damn green and nice over your way, so it's great that you're enjoying it. We're just barely starting to catch up over here.

    BTW, I showed my wife the picture of the husky/chihuahua mix in the wagon (her favorite breed for whatever reason) and she squee'd in my ear until I went momentarily deaf. So thanks for that, I guess?

    1. Ha ha! I'm so glad I could contribute to marital bliss. And no belating necessary- while Laurie's was Thursday, mine is Tuesday, but you can't really celebrate on a Tuesday...
