
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Back with pictures

Company picnic

Nice scenery

Lotsa little ones

Strangely, Lawrence Welk made a cameo

The beach ball grab game- I didn't participate, but Laurie and I won the first 2 bingo games

The indestructible Dowco pinata- so tough was it...

...that the kids literally had to tear it to shreds to open it!

Hmmm... clouds look ominous, time to go

...right after the deluge
21st was a nice day for a walk

Bird bath

Later, a toast to absent friends...
More the next day

Yesterday was a family walk...

Like Gampaw, like Peanut

Later, we invade Ft Wayne... check out the new park


  1. Nice! I enjoyed the walk, even if I couldn't keep up just now.

  2. Great pictures, great fun (except the deluge). but...winter is coming.
    There, I just depressed myself.
