So, it's Sunday evening, and I feel like doing a blog post. Only thing is, I don't know what exactly to entertain you with. Ironically, I went on my stats page and found out my most popular post over the last year was on from 2013 titled "Life Is Like a Blog Post..." . Unfortunately, That post had several things that I no longer have, at least not today: Scrappy, a walk that includes fox pictures, and a couple of spam e-mails to make fun of. Now I do have Misty, and we did take a walk, and we did see a deer, but I didn't bring the camera; and I don't get a lot of amusing spam anymore, just stuff like the current "your prostate is the size of a lemon", which I believe to be incorrect. I'm fairly sure there's nothing down there that size, whether that shape or not.
I did just discover that today (Sunday) is the six year anniversary of the great Martin-Gaul Autumn Walk...
A fond memory of loved ones gone... if not for Donna's feet! This was what I discovered in learning that October 17th is a day that I have only ever took pictures on twice... in 2015 and 2016. The later date was a much simpler set...
Today, though, Misty and I were content to do a) walk, b) Church, c) Sunday sweeping of doggie hair, d) nap. So is life like a blog post today?
I guess so. Some are packed full, some not so much. Things you did or liked to do 6 years ago are not available or not wanted now. And yet, an overwhelming number (by my Blogger stats) want to go living in the past. Funny that as I type that I remember a poem from our high school creative writing group titled, "Don't Look Back- Only Future Counts". But even that remembrance tells us that it is false. By life verse, 1 Samuel 7:12, tells us that-
1Sa 7:12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, "Till now the LORD has helped us."
You don't set up a stone without a need to remember. But you can't take the step Israel took over and over- make an idol of it. If there was one thing I learned from the heartache of losing Bob and Scrappy so close together, it was this- do NOT make a 'god of grief' from them.
I bet about now you wish I had a spam comment to dissect, don't you?
Interestingly enough, I have started looking at my spam folder lately... apparently I also have a prostate the size of a lemon, who knew?
ReplyDeleteI think any time you lose someone close to you it makes you think and reevaluate. I'm shopping new burial sites, and pre-need cremation certificates because of Nettie's death.
Seriously... pre-need cremation vouchers. You can lock in at today's rates! I bet tomorrow I'll have a span email for that too... maybe even a coupon.
Hmmm.... I didn't know those lemons came in gender equivalents...