
Friday, January 17, 2025

M10 show week #149


Dude, I just read the best story about you- and now I know all this stuff about you not liking the Beatles was utter BS!

Yer crazy!  What're yew talkin' about!

Well it all starts with the song at #1 in Australia this week in 1975...

Say huh?

But I have 3 debuts this week, so I gotta go there first.  First at #9, this is one that's been hanging out in the shuffle for some time and finally squeaks in for the Linda Lindas...


So my story begins when I looked up the #1 song in Australia this week, and found out it was a chap named Daryl Braithwaite doing a cover we in the US knew best by the 1977 Helen Reddy version- You're My World...

UH-oh... oh no... I got curious and started digging.  A song that hit number one in many countries in many versions by many artists- Helen herself hit #1 in Mexico... a UK group named Guys'N'Dolls hit the top in Belgium and the Netherlands... a dude named Richard Anthony hit the top (in French) in France and (in English) in Spain.  Ria Bartok hit the Canadian French-Language chart #1.  But the poor guy who first came up with it, Umberto Bindi, never even got a hit out of it in his native Italy!

Well, that's a good story!  Why don't we lookit the other number ones?  Here, I'll even do it fer ya!  In the US it was Barry Manilow and Mandy, which hit the top in Canada, and 4 in Australia...

You KNOW you aren't getting out of things this easy, right?  So anyway, he wrote an English version that was given to Cilla Black, whom I am to understand my Big Buddy here kept the single on his personal jukebox...

Well, Pris loved it, an' they had the same actual first name...

...but here's where the story takes a bit of a turn... first, though, here's the debut at #8- which is another odd story.  Years ago, Roseanne Cash hit the top of the country chart with this song, and I knew after 3 notes, this was a Tom Petty song.  Thing is, I would have sworn I heard it on one of his lps- BUT IT WASN'T ON ANY OF THEM!  I searched for years, knowing I had to have heard the Heartbreakers do this song, but never finding it.  Then, a couple months ago, it was FINALLY released on an anniversary redeux of their Long After Dark album.  At long last, at #8- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers...


Wow... that actually brought a tear....

And I sure hate to break the mood, but the story must go on.  August 27th, 1965...

Yew weren't never supposed ta find out about that....

...after three days of arranging it, the Beatles were introduced to Elvis at his Bel Air mansion...

The Beatles came in with Brian Epstein, their manager. They walked up to Elvis and were introduced, and Elvis sits down on the chair. The Beatles all sit down on the floor right in front of Elvis, in a semi-circle, and they look up and they are just gaping & staring at him.

There's this dead silence in the room until Elvis says, 'Well, what-the-hell, if you guys aren't going to talk to me I'm going to my bedroom'. And then everyone started to laugh and that broke the ice.
                                                           -ElvisAustralia: the Elvis Presley fan club

And the reason I found out about it:

"After a bit Elvis said, 'Somebody bring in the guitars'. Again one of his men jumped up, and within moments three electric guitars had been plugged into the amplifiers in the room. Elvis took a bass guitar, and I took a rhythm guitar. Elvis obviously wasn't that familiar with his instrument, so Paul gave him some instructions.

'Here's how I play the bass', he said, strumming a few chords. 'It's not too good, but I'm practicing'.

George was busy looking over his instrument, and it was a few minutes before he joined in. If I remember correctly, it was Cilla Black's hit record 'You're My World' that we first got off together."
                                                                      -John Lennon

Yeah, yeah, we had a li'l jam, Pris came out an' said hi, they invited me to go party with 'em, but that wasn't my thing.  Happy?

Ecstatic!  So now let me give you the high debut- it comes in at #6! Another delightful lady who's bopped around the shuffle a couple of time, here's Hana Vu:


Well, sometimes the video helps the song, and...

An' that one helped if'n yer a Hitchcock fan...

Uh, yeah.  Might be a good time to bring up that the #12 in Canada this week in '75 was Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, by Elton John, with some help from Dr Winston O. Boogie, aka John Lennon....

Y'know, I got on pretty good with John... 

So I heard.  For my fave of the week, you don't have to go farther than Mandy at #1.  And the biggest mover- since it's something of a John Lennon week anyway- was his #9 Dream, climbing from 45 to 31.

All right, since ya did such a good job a' keeping humilarating me to a minimum, ah'll do the rest of the ten...

10- Midlake and Roscoe, down 3...
7- Maggie Rogers an' Don't Forget Me, also down 3...
5- Linkin Park's Cut The Bridge, up 2...
4- Geowulf an' Stay Baby, up 4...
3- an' holdin' Japanese breakfast an' Kokomo, IN....
2- finally out a' the top spot, Junior Senior an' Move Your feet...
and the new #1....


And with that, we'll see you next time!


  1. There is so much good music in the world, along with a lot of shit music and boring music just saying, thankfully you share the good stuff

  2. Love the Elvis angle with "You're My World". Cilla's and Tom Jones' versions are the ones I like best, but the original Italian song is familiar too. Hey, you just gave me the theme for my next Battle of the Bands. Thanks!

    Don't remember that Tom Petty song at all and Hana Vu has a lovely voice, but the video is a tad gruesome.

    Question: Is there no way to widen your blog page to make the videos fit? That is an edit function in most Blogger themes. The way it is now, cut off on the right side, you can't click through to view them full size on YouTube. Found a helpful video: Widen Blogger blog page

    1. we found you can double click on the video and get it full size...

    2. And I did look at the video, but with the theme I have, width changing is apparently not an option. But like I said, we discovered that if you double click the video, it will go full screen.

  3. That worked. Thanks! But, at the risk of annoying you, have you ever considered updating your theme?

    1. Nah, never mess with perfection, lol! (Translation: Too lazy to work on messing up a good thing...)
