
Friday, February 14, 2025

M10 show week #151


Now listen, Noodle.  The boss has been havin' some trouble with inspiration, so we's gonna do the show for him this week...

N: The name, sir, is Nardole.  N-A-R-...

E: Let's not go through that whole bit agin, comprende?  I got all his notes, so just hit the buttons like I tell ya.  An' don't call me sir!  Gits me itchin' like a cat on a fuzzy tree...

N:  I've heard that somewhere...

E: So this week we's in 1973, an' before we get started on that, we got 2 new debuts.  An' the one at # 10  is her 6th time on the chart, though it's been a while.  Here's Shilpa Ray...


N:  Well, that went well...

E: Yew just push the buttons, Noodle, an' we'll be fine...

N: Yes sir!

E: NO! Not...


E: ...yet.  Well, that there was the other debut at #9, Maggie Rogers an' So Sick Of Dreaming.

N: Sir, who are the Knicks?

E: Never mind.  Now I gotta do the go-back to 1973.  #1 here in the US of A was Elton John and Crocodile Rock...

N: Do I need to hit a button, sir?

E: NO!  Just siddown till I get to ya.  Australia had this hit #2, but Canada agreed with us.  Canada this week, though, had Edward Bear and Last Song at the top...

N: My word!  A real bear?

E: No, Noodle!  This song hit 3 here an' 2 in Australia.  Now, Australia had Lobo- no, he's wasn't a real wolf, Noodle- with I'd Love You To Want Me at the top this week, which was a uni... una...

N: Unanimous?

E: Yeah, thanks, no wonder the boss just says, "across the board #1"!  Now, Chris found three songs from this week'n '73 that moved up double ditches...

N:  Do you mean, 'double digits'?

E: Is THAT what he's been sayin' all this time?  Yeah, so they were 12- spot moves for two songs. One was the Moody blues with I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock'N'Roll Band), up to 35 this week.  It was a peak of 39 in Australia, 16 in Canada, an' 8 on Cashbox.  The other'n was Roberta Flack's Killing Me Softly, landing at 27.  It wuz another "across the board" #1.

An' the... what now, Noodle?

N:  How does one kill someone softly, sir?

E: She used the durn bear, ya idjit!  An' the big mover, up 14 to #15- was the Dueling Banjos theme from Deliverance.  It would hit 2 in North America an' 3 in Australia... yes, Noodle?

N: What is a "Deliverance"?

E: Yer too young fer that.

N: Sir, I am an android who has travelled extensively across time and space.  Age is not a concept that applies to me!

E: Don' matter.  Yer still too young.  Now just go ahead an'  read off this here list of the rest of the M10- and quick, before the boss comes in an' catches us...

N:  Very well.  May I just say I am honored that you are allowing me this task, and I...

E: Read. The. List.

N:Yes, sir!

8- Shannon and the Clams move up 2 with Wax And String.
7- The Heavy Heavy down 1 with Miracle Sun.
6- Japanese Breakfast with Kokomo, IN, down 3.
5- Hana Vu holds at 5 with Care.
4- Matt Berry up 5 with Silver Rings.
3- Neil Young up 1 with Tell Me Why.
2- Tom Petty holding at 2 with Never Be You.

And, holding at the top:

...Geowulf and Stay Baby!!!!!!!

E:  You idjit!  He ain't with the band anymore!  Ya gotta ask for a picture with just her!

N: Yes, well, how do I...

WHAT are you two doing in here?

E:  Boss, we did the show fer ya!  Perty good job too, I think...

Yeah, well, you two vamoose while I review this and see what  kind of damage you did to the brand.

E:  No prob, boss, you'll like it!  C'mon, Noodle...

N:  Sir, what DO the Japanese have for breakfast?

E: (sigh) Prolly bear....


  1. Edward Bear - blast from the past! And local talent, too. ☺ They were huge here, along with another band, Lighthouse.

  2. thecontemplativecat here. what labels and artists from the past! I recall Deliverance well. the banjo was the best. You got Elvis and his southern accents well.

  3. thecontemplativecat again. Didn't know if last comment posted or not. anyway, I enjoyed this tremendously. the mention of Deliverance brought back some memories.

    1. Yeah, they post, I have moderation on. I have a funny Deliverance style story. A long while back, Laurie, my son, and I were on a drive in the back country and stopped at what we all considered a tad creepy gas station along the way. Just as we pulled away, I saw a bumper sticker ahead of us: "Paddle faster, I hear banjos"!

  4. I liked the clips, which is pretty much all I did was sit back and listen to the music, nice and relaxing

  5. Wow. I hadn't expected to, but I liked "Portrait of a Cat Lady."
