
Sunday, February 9, 2025

The ABCs of Politics.

 Serious post here, but I NEED YOU TO KNOW this is not about anyone who is a current reader/commenter of this blog- at least, not the bad part.  Please listen, and do not put yourself in as a character in the bad part, anyone.

This is about the ABCs of current politics.  

You see, I ran into a very disturbing formula applied to me yesterday.  Let's call it, If A and B, then C.

A is, "I don't like the policies/statements of this person/group."  Well, to be fair, perhaps one or two of them that override anything else they say or do.

B is, "My friend supports this person."  Never mind the totality of what A is, or asking why said friend would support whatever.

C is, "Therefore, my friend is a terrible person as well."

Thing about that is, not only are you ignoring the whys of A and B, but you are saying, "The thing I don't like about A is so overriding, I must ignore EVERYTHING ELSE I know about my friend and skip right to C."

Thankfully, anyone likely to read this doesn't let A override B.  Even if something is poorly worded or misunderstood, they remind themselves of the totality of the friend behind the B, and don't rush to jump right to C.  They remember nothing in A makes the sky less blue, the sun a degree colder, or there next sip of water any sweeter.  They know who they are, and I want them to know they are appreciated.

Those who jump to C will likely never see this.  But if they could, I would say this:

It's not worth it.  Look at what you are thinking, and decide who was the faithless friend.  Ask yourself if your political hurt was worth the heart hurt.  Decide what really matters.  Don't get so angry you don't ask questions first.

I have in the last few years seen three shades of this.  One was just an unreasoning hate from the start, egged on by talking heads who have agendas not completely disclosed.  One had a legit grievance, but with the policy, not the friend.  And one flat out admitted politics was more important than any friendship in their mind.

I think seeing oneself-including me- in any of these should be chilling.  And yes, some things CAN be over the top.  But I think all of us need to do a little more self-examination before responding.  Myself included.


  1. "I don't like the policies/statements of this person/group." Well, to be fair, perhaps one or two..." Definitely more than one or two! BUT, I am "quick enough (😉) to understand there's more to life than politics, and there's more to people than their political affiliations. True relationships transcend those differences of opinion. Case in point: In Canada, my father was a "small c" conservative. After he moved to California, he became a card-carrying member of the Republican Tea Party. Imagine my surprise! 😲 I'm a lifelong liberal, so of course we didn't agree on anything political, but I only got angry once, when he dissed his Canadian heritage. Not cool! It was a fleeting moment however, and we laughed about it later. And he never expressed anger towards me. I'd like to think we have that kind of friendship, Chris. I have never cut ties with anyone over politics. 🚫 Hope you're having a good Sunday. Cheers! 🍻 Your Canadian Liberal blogging buddy.

    1. And as I said, it is appreciated. I appreciate there are a lot of things that "my guy" does that I'M not quick enough to catch at first glance... and some things- and methods- I don't exactly agree with. So I research, try to find the broader goal behind the issue. So many out there have to tie their politics to their self-esteem- to question a belief is to question their very soul, it would seem. I just wish we (including me) were better at asking the whys before reacting.

    2. It always amazes me that so many people take differences of opinion personally, even something as innocuous as musical tastes. I've seen a lot of nasty comments online when people disagreed on various subjects, not just politics. Sheesh! Life is too damn short to worry about that kind of stuff.

    3. You shoulda been here when I did my "most hated songs of all time" list...

    4. Got a link? I don't remember that.

    5. Trust me, you're better off without. Because I put John Lennon's Imagine at the top, a whole was erupted in the comments section. Not one part was pretty.

  2. If you know me, you know I don't give a rats ass about politics and respect that every has their own opinion and as long as they are not shoving their opinion down my throat or in my face all is good.

    1. Yes, I do know you, and while I'm a tad more vocal than you, I share the philosophy.
