
Monday, February 26, 2018

Like a sunny Monday In February

Crap!  Here comes that guy and his dumb dog...

Logs are really moving

Yeah... we gotta go around/past/through that

Practicling shooting blind... this might not look bad, but was the bottom corner of the original picture

A beautiful day to just enjoy the walk.  Scrappy's snoring tells me HE did.


  1. Chris:
    ---Bet Scrappy was loving the walk, even if it was still a lot on the "soft" side out there.
    ---That river looks plenty HIGH as well.
    That WAS a log, and not a gator...right?
    ---Nice to get buzzed by a HUEY, isn't it?
    Or was that one of the hospital helos?
    (they're all noisy buggers)
    ---Good to see the ducks out, too
    (like all that rain bothered them one stinking

    Good pictures...happy to see it was a very nice day.

    Stay safe (and less muddy) up there, brother.

    1. Wasn't a Parkview chopper- you can't miss those guys!

  2. Another one coming Thursday (well, my Thursday, whatever that works out for you guys... I think about midnight Friday morning)!
