What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Nativity scene epilogue

Being the fair person that I am, I posted my "friendly warning " form last time on Freedom From Religion's facebook page.  Of course I got the usual explanations that I'm the one who misreads the US Constitution, the typical list of insults that these so-called intellectuals stoop to, the same old attacks on FoxNews, who provided the story link, one "and what's up with Nixon?"  But the one I really loved was this from Miss Julie Merrill-Quinn:

""frindly advise!" The only thing that link got right is SCIENTIFICALLY a tomato is a fruit."

But at least I can spell "friendly", eh?  Still, Julie, you'll be happy to know that your post has caused me to formulate Martin Laws #s 5 and 6.

#5- Never debate with people who would put a tomato in a fruit salad (didn't think I'd catch that, did you?)

#6- I have no need to celebrate reason- I have a REASON to CELEBRATE!


  1. CWM:
    A BRILLIANT epilogue...well said.

    Stay safe up there.

  2. I have nothing sorry but nothing comes to me in response to this so instead of not leaving a comment I choose to leave one telling you I have no comment....
