What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tuesday, and it felt like summer

Not so much today, but here's what Boofus and I did yesterday:

Finally, my Jack-In-The-Pulpits are making an appearance

Open the roof, there's the preacher

Trees are finally greening up

Wild blue phlox, I'm told

Little butterfly takes a break from buzzing us

There used to be just one place in the whole woods I found Jack In The Pulpit.  Tuesday, I found them in about five places, nowhere near that spot.

Scrappy takes a dip at North Bank

Actually saw a fish here... first one in about 4 years.  I think he was lost...

Don't let those heavenly trees fool you.  It's a climb from North bank to Dead Tree Road!


  1. Chris:
    I will say that seeing more GREEN around the area makes it look so much more "walkabout-friendly".
    Jack in the pulpits...haven't seem them in (too) many years, either.
    Nice find.
    Good post.

    Stay safe up there, brother.

  2. Is that what they're called? I never knew that! Jack in pulpit- very cool! Look at Scrappy cooling down his paws in the stream. I love doing that too Scrappy!

  3. The trees bring some promise at least. It was warm here for a couple of days but it's cold again. My hostas bloomed at least and that gives me the promise of warmth around here soon! C'mon summer heat!!!
