What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Worth a thousand words

Boy have I got some pictures to share with you today!  The first one involves beautiful fellow blogger Mich over at The Bastard Henry.  Several weeks back, she asked if anybody wanted a portrait done as she was resuming her painting passion.  Now I am a relative newbie in her neighborhood, and while I was familiar with her ability to change her crappy day into a hilarious Windows Paint masterpiece, I wasn't so familiar with what a fantastic artist she is.  So when I commented, "I wouldn't mind a portrait of Scrappy", I had little idea of what was headed my way.  It arrived Monday:

She named this "Dandelion Field With Scrappy", and the picture doesn't do justice to how it pops out at you.  If you want an indication of how much I love this, it is my new phone wallpaper.  And will be coming soon to a frame near you!

My second picture is a little more routine- to everyone but me.  At work, I decided for some stupid reason to keep count of every panel I cut this year.  I established a firm groundwork for what constitutes a panel (which would be relatively meaningless to y'all) and have kept studious track- even used my counts at one point to prove to my boss how bad my machine was acting up during our recent "reset hell".  Anyway, all of that led to this:

There I am at just before 8:40 AM this morning (Tuesday) with my 10,000th panel of the year!

Next up, on our walk today, we actually saw two groundhogs!  When you consider the "Great Groundhog Famine" last year- we prolly didn't see ten all year if we hadn't ad stumbled onto the four babies poking their heads out of a hole in late summer- this is quite an event.  But as for the pictures...

Here's Scrappy checking out the hole the first one dove into...

...and here he is checking out the second one.


  1. The portrait of Scrappy is wicked cool.

  2. Your friend is very talented! Love the artwork. Congrats on your work milestone. Scrappy must have been in groundhog heaven. He's a real cutie. ☺

    1. Honestly, Mr Nose-to-the-ground never saw them...

  3. A personalized portrait from Mich? That is so damn cool! I'm envious. And I love that she's getting more into her painting (which she's really talented at).

  4. Chris:
    That is a FANTASTIC picture of Scrappy!
    Yeah, a frame IS a must! Have to do it JUSTICE.
    A marvelous piece of artwork.
    Is this the same person who did our squirrel?
    (got a feeling)

    As for work?
    10,000 PANELS for the year?
    (hope that was for the past 365 days, and not THIS year ALONE.

    Nice walk, too.
    Groundhogs at last...guess the riverfront project will chase a LOT of critters "inland"...or up stream (perhaps downstream)?

    Excellent day for you folks.

    Stay safe (and artfully appreciative) up there, brother.

    1. No, that IS since January 1st. I was guessing after week one it would prolly end in the 60,000 range.

      And, no, that is NOT the same artist. She is a home-country girl where Trish (the Squirrel artist) is an Aussie.

      I hadn't thought about the ramifications of the riverfront project. Be interesting to see how that does affect things.

  5. Just be careful Scrappy doesn't decide to mark his dandelion field!

    1. He really loved the packaging... I think he smelled cats...
