What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Pictures on our Thanksgiving

 So I don't know exactly how, but the wonderful Blogger/Firefox combo decided to publish this first bank of pics in reverse order.  2020, eh?  But I'm gonna roll with it.


The Alumni pond was a pretty blue this morning.

Note how the proper positioning for a drink is ankle deep.  Considering getting her a small bird bath for a drinking bowl. Certainly wouldn't be any messier.

Blue Jay defying us to go down Ground Hog Road...

And here is the actual start of the walk.

So, let's see what order we get the second wave in...

Ah, the right direction!

As we can see, there'll be no walking way out on the mud flats today- we had rain this week.

Ducks sleeping at the swamp

Duck pond looking a little more pond-ish

Moments before, she was passed out...

And the chaos begins

"And I'll tell you another thing, Mommy..."

(As I am typing, KC is on the phone and just yelled, "Grayson, get out of the toilet!" )

Beating up Daddy

"God, why won't this end?"

More beating up Daddy

"I want Gampaw's fart gun..."

Wearing a Mommy-hair wig


  1. That's a whole lot of kiddie chaos! Which of course is the best kind. I hope your son is able to square away things with the gf, that said, those kids DO look very happy. :)

    1. The secret is take the pics while they're smiling...

  2. I enjoy your nature walk pictures. It looks like your Thanksgiving was a good one. Kids running around and all :)
