What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, May 16, 2022

When I was 60... it was a very (-) year...

 Yep, I turned 60 sometime in the last 2 hours. I can never remember if it was 4:59 PM or 5:49 PM. And back then, well...

I had a friend tell me today that gas was going up to a point 17 times that price... that new house, at least in Indiana, would be is about 11.3 times as expensive, that new car 16 times, that movie ticket (not to mention my rent) 9.5 times, and that Ivy League tuition 35.5 times for a much lesser education.

What about me?  Well, the oldest picture I will admit to (i.e. easily put on the blog) is this one from just about 15 years ago...


Apparently I had a little color to my hair then!  I think I lost it that night, as we were trapped in the High School by a tornado (no joke)! Now, if you just hafta know, I might be able to dig just a tad deeper...


 Yep, that was me voting 'aye' on something some 58 years ago, with my 5-months-younger niece not so convinced.

Being honest here, this is the first age I've hit that I keep saying to myself, "Dear Lord, HOW old?" Despite all prognostications, I've outlived my Mom by some 6 years, and trail my Dad by about 7.  I've split the difference.  And while generally I don't feel much different, there are a few things I did just a few short years ago I wouldn't attempt now, such as...


August of 2010- Scrappy and I walking clear to State Street... or...



...the previous October, when the two of us made it to the usually inaccessible promontory we called "the End of the Earth".  I've thought, fleetingly, of trying it with Misty, but as it about killed us 13 years ago, I am happy to say I have the will power to reject such notions.

(And I don't think Misty minds... she has Scrappy's 'Black fur wilts quick' syndrome and barely made it back from a decent sized walk today as bright as it was!)

No, nowadays I'm happy getting through to the last part of the workday having put the "I don't know if I can do this anymore"s behind me.  And as I embark on this 60th year, I'm fairly confident I'll be okay... but I am worried about you all.  I don't think I have ever prayed over so many relationship disasters, world crises, and serious illnesses as I have the last few months. So if you all would kindly fall back in love, be healed, get out of Ukraine, and/or receive Jesus as your saviour, I would be much obliged.  And if not, well, I'll still be here for you.

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