What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hey! What about pictures?

 I didn't realize that, besides not going for a walk for a week being sick, I also forgot to post the last 2 weeks before in pics!  Here's 2 Saturdays ago...

As you'll see, this was the week so hot, we had to get out before dawn...

Grapes coming in... hard to touch, no smell.

Once again, at the end of the trail, a deer

After watching us a while, she crossed the bridge...


...jumped off...

..and stopped off at the filtration building.

River was a bit scummy

So also South Canal

Ah, look who joined us!

This really told me how long ago this was! Apparently a toddler disc golfer decided to jettison baggage without Daddy seeing...

Misty's in love with "forging new trails", lol

"Hey, look at my white belly!"

Brings us to last Saturday...

A bit later, lol

Last week, this little guy shot across our path from the parking lot and disappeared.  This time, he stopped for portraits

Another one of the same size crossed us early on and disappeared into the canal

Breakfast again... the last one, as it turned

Trying to get Mr and Mrs Bluebird of happiness here, but they left early

First person we saw

Frog hunter Misty just watched one skip off his belly and into the water

Misty found someones bunny breakfast

Hmm... another tree went down this week

And one last bunny on the way home.

Bring us to today- my first walk since being sick...

This year's slime mold prefers the building

"Well, I prefer to get going!!"

My face feels like one big cold sore

There's our second bunny of the day... the first was Misty's bathroom trip.  She chased it into the woods, and when Misty stuck her head into a bush to look, it smashed into a pop can.

There's #3, who took off quickly...

...right past 4 and 5

Swallow taking a break

Is that a teakettle in the creek?

#6, over by the swamp

Wood Duck chillin'

Time for Daddy to catch a break

"Time's up, old man!"

Surprising to see the geese on the shade side

"I got a branch, I ain't got no tree trunk... how'm I gonna climb it to my friends?"


  1. Some bloody great photos here and a nice relaxing walk for me on this cold morning down under

  2. Lovely nature walks! ☺ For a second, I thought that tea kettle was a duck. Glad you're feeling better!
