What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Late late picture show

 I haven't put up a pic post in a bit, mainly because a) good shots were few and far between, and b) this week at work was a crap show of unprecedented intensity.  (For example:  Not one, but TWO orders went from cancelled to uncancelled just in time to be late; and the Microsoft thing ended my OT day after about an hour and a half standing around doing very little.)  At any rate, now I'm rested, cleaned up, and the girls are snoozing, so I have both time and energy... for the moment.  

Let's go back to last Friday morning first...

Just prior to dawn... already a slash line of 75F/95 humidity

Corner bunny runs away, as usual

A very foggy, dewey day

Suddenly, from the mists...

But nothing else exciting to the river

At this point, the frogs at the Alumni Pond are teasing Misty, jumping right in front of her, making sure she sees them

And yes, that's an abandoned hula hoop

There was zero air movement in the woods.  We both wanted to hurry up and get out

Sun finally trying to dispel the gloom...

Okay, let me see which day I have next... Why, it's last Saturday~

Same weather, just a little later

As you can see, the graduate now matriculates in the year 4202 

Even foggier

Previous varmintage

I don't know how the bikers and joggers did it.  We didn't even go through the woods, there was no air

After hearing him screaming all morning, we finally saw him land

His mate flew by, and he soon followed

And a big fat bunny greeting us on the way home

Next up, we have... oh, this morning!

Beat the sun up yet again

Corner bunny was fine- until I said, "Hi, bunny!"

Again, bridge varmintage

Today, he landed in front of us...

...well, 'in front' might be a bit strong...

Lot of people out today

We saw something, apparently about to pounce on a bird for breakfast, but it seen us and hi-tailed it into the ravine.  At first I had thought it a squirrel, but Misty don't get this excited about squirrels.  Best guess? A weasel

That makes two skinny dead trees fallen since last we came

And, we saw Mr Owl

After fleeing from tree to tree as we got closer, he finally posed.

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