What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, August 17, 2024


 I have quite a set this week, as we were able to get out a couple of evenings...


I believe we were around 7 pm...

Somebody had abandoned a Guinea Pig to the yard...

With Misty with me, I wasn't going to be able to catch the poor thing.  I was hoping someone was going to come looking...

Er, besides the cat...

Corner bunny

Socceristas still going strong

It was crowded at the landing

Poor doggie, everywhere we looked either boats or slime

Duck momma pretending to swim in the muck

Sigh... Guinea Pig still there when we got back...


Closer to 8 pm tonite...

And STILL socceristas!  Stay tuned on that one...

Looks like an airliner did a donut...

You know its been a while since you went out the south way when...

Misty almost had a mouse or something up on Mushroom Ridge...

"This sucks!  Now it's slime AND boat oil..."

The cops came to prevent the postgame from becoming an after party.  "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here..."


Around 7-ish AM...

At least no chance of the rain that shut down Friday walks...

...but Misty doesn't have her usual "two sleeps since a walk" energy...

Well, the siding guys did a passable job...

Next up: Use paint that lasts more than six months

2 bunnies- neither one the usual Corner Bunny.

A tiny little guy

And a much bigger mama

Hmm... a sure sign there was either a race last night, or will be today

Misty thought she smelled something a moment before; we started to leave, and heard 2 big "ker-splash" es.  Must have been a bunny, b/c we saw another seconds later just up the trail.

Hmmm... here comes a set of 5K runners...

An interesting mix of hard runners, on and off walkers, and those who are struggling just to make some time.  Strive on!

Buses start to arrive... a cross country meet must also be on this morning.  Unfortunately, nobody seems to want to post a schedule so we can see who all is coming.  IHSAA just lists "first meets" without locations or teams.  The schools I saw didn't bother to post schedules online.  Way to promote your sport, guys!

Misty had to be assured the oil was gone before she got in for a brief splash

A deer!

And not just any deer, as you will see.  He stared... then came foreward...

Then took off towards the canal...

...only to stop and leisurely walk back...

Then he looks over, and we see why...

His GF had just come out to see what was going on!

"Hey!  Eyes off her, pay attention to me!"

She goes back in, so he runs back...

...and finally joins her in the woods, after snorting at us a couple of times.

All that rain we got- that's all the water in south canal...

"I know, right?"

So this meet, the gathering tent is up by the pole barn instead of in front of the old barn, like the regionals last year.  which means the kids have to do some uphill trekking to check in.

I finally found the roster for the meet (I took it as a personal challenge).  Contestants include Snider, South Side, North Side Wayne, Homestead, East Noble, and Churubusco, so it says... but I also saw a bus from Marion, and Marion DID have a partial schedule that just said, "at Snider".  Another website also includes Central Noble... ah, I just found the complete roster!  Add to the mix Muncie Central, Carrol, Concordia, Woodlan, and- as I said- Marion.  The key was learning it was called the "Hokum Karem" meet.  This is essentially where the teams pair off in two-man (or girl) pairs and run three miles of the five mile course, then pass the baton to another team member.  Or something like that.  See, we all learned something today!


  1. Poor little guinea pig! I hope someone rescued it. Sludge and oil? Oh yuck! Love the bunny and deer shots! ☺

    1. That leap shot might be the luckiest of my life.

  2. Some damn cool shots here like the deer leaping that's cool and rabbits are cute when not being a menace which they are down here.

    1. Here they ebb and flow with the foxes and Coyotes. See my comment above abt the deer.

  3. Your adventures bring back memories of life in the farm land of Illinois. How lucky you are! Here, we have songbirds, rabbits, and coyotes. I'll trade you, what ya think.

    1. I have songbirds, rabbits, and occasionally coyotes... just mix in the rare deer, beaver, mink... nah, no trdae.

  4. Great pictures! What a pity that, before too long, it'll be too cold to dwell with a camera.
