What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Late pictures!

 Yeah, I know I should have gotten to this 2 days ago, I apologize.  Consider me spanked, if the Lord is willing.  And let me get on with it.

One week ago today...

This was an attempt to show you the new pedometer I got.  Amazing how long appendix scars last, yes?

The ground at this point is so dry, the lack of grass is allowing the weeds that thrive in drought to colonize...

Little ones soccer

Hey, Popeye, yer sunglasses broke

Evening cricket, from Mushroom Ridge

Ducks and herons in the only water deep enough

"What about me??"

No water here, either...

Now Thursday or Friday we got a pittance of the rain we needed (Just FYI, we got a little more Sunday, and the cows really climbed up onto the flat rock this afternoon just before I got off work), and Saturday was an adventure in fog...

The sky was really cool...

But the grass is so orange it looks like it rained rust

Even at this point you see a little fog...

But having a big ol' cloud in the Complex is another matter

This path in the grass is literally like 30 feet, and you almost can't see the end

One cloud on top of the other

Yet, there's the moon

Pretty fall colors

"Dawn of the Discers"

"Okay, this low water is getting ridiculous!

Looming ahead, the biggest cloud yet

One day, we're going to have to ask the PFW students just exactly what this is doing

In the gloaming... geese

"Git outta my way!"

Caught up with the dawn discers

Drinking local- Sun King from Indy

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