What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Picture post

Into the canal, part 1:  Something he's never done before- go down the canal to get a drink...

Part 2:  Bound and determined there is something to sniff down there- or was

Later, across the bridge and over to the big wood pile:  No luck.

With the picture above it's time for another "Purdue cannot manage a forest" rant.  Here we see a log that has been laying there for at least four years that this winter "needed to be cut up."  This was an ongoing thing; the University combed the woods, and nearly any fallen object within five feet of the trail was cut to bits.  Too bad they didn't happen along a bear taking a nap.

"Still a little muddy here, pops..."

Back to Purdue:  Bad enough they cut these logs up and leave the debris where it lay... here's the wrapper to a chain saw blade they couldn't be bothered to pick up.

Meanwhile, we move on to Sunday morning...

Breaking the ice for a drink at the duck pond...

"Made it this far without falling on-camera..."

And up ahead, the tree that fell three years ago at the mouth of the ravine trail also gets cut up...

Because, anybody would rather see a bunch of cut-up logs just laying there rather than a fallen tree in its natural state..
 That's me, always willing- but never needed- to make Purdue look retarded.

And, if you squint your eyes, a bunny!


  1. Replies
    1. Scrappy says thank you. Purdue says they're going to get back with me about the woods damage. Not holding my breath on that one.

  2. Chris:
    ---They call it a CANAL?
    (and they didn't even paint that monstrosity of a pole? Nice shade of RUST they go there.
    ---Nice looking bog Scrappy found, too.
    (I'd have boots on by now)
    ---That IS one heckuva wood pile - no doubt about that.
    ---I think much of the problem with Purdue's "management" abilities, is that they don't really view it as a "forest". It just appears that way to me.
    ---A "little" muddy? Is that like a "little pregnant"? LOL.
    ---Those who are supposed to take care of that area are a REAL study in contrasts.
    ---The duck pond looks more like a swamp - you sure you're not in D.C.?
    (Spatial displacement in time can be a real bugger).
    ---Does that duck have an "in" with the Almighty? Looks like he's walking on water there.
    (has to be ice...just has to be)
    ---Hey, you just bring truth to action w/ Purdue...nothing wrong with that.
    Rather than just cut the trees up and leave it all there, why not toss it into a chipper and MULCH the area real well. (just a thought).
    Sorry, didn't mean to express a better course of action by those who "run" the wooded area.

    Very nice walkabout and some great wildlife (love the bunny).

    Stay safe (and well-travelled) up there, brother.
    (that goes for you TOO, Scrappy).

    1. Actually, the "bog" is just another section of the canal- and no, no paint on the poles.

      My opin on Purdue- it's all about the insurance money, ever since they bankrupted themselves building the dorms. Albeit I have no idea how 1 foot logs are safer than ten-foot logs.

      Yeah, duck was icing it... looked cool as could be as far away as he was...
