What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Not to be competitive with other babies, but...

My nephew Andy finally posted pictures of his new daughter, and here's one:
Yesterday, Scrappy and I spotted two more deer just as we entered the woods, so I decided to let him trail them. While he tracked by smell, I kept an eye out as they kept a considerable distance. Scrappy was real good at overrunning the track, so I kept him on line far longer than he otherwise would've been, until I saw them reach the main trail. From there I just let him lead us where he would, finishing off with a splash in the creek. At least at this point he was good enough to let me find a decent place to cross without pulling me in.


  1. Thanks Uncle Chris! Your sister is down here for the week visiting.

  2. What a sweet baby. Congrats on the addition to your family.

  3. Thank you. I like babies like this- when they aren't my babies or Grandbabies (Not yet! PLEEEEASE!)
