What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday pictures

 Well, we got a walk in this morning before the rain came, but let's not jump ahead just yet!  Back on Sunday...

Trying to get this in before Church

Colors really coming in now

A second walk that night...

It WAS windy today...

Misty distracted by another doggie by the river

Something still going on inside the Plex- even the food truck's still here

Nifty flashing light

The lost and found has been found and tossed

More doggies

G'night, moon

Next up... some nifty clouds at sunset, Monday

Wasn't just me taking pics, either

This brings us to Wednesday...

Misty insists on the old way in

Has to mark the top of the mound...

This is one of three squirrels playing.  A grey one that took off, this brown one...

And the black one staring back in the next tree

Misty wants to explore the woods behind the hotel.  More on that later

Downtown Ft Wayne from Mushroom Ridge

"Loving this shade!"

"Yeah, you jerks, we're coming for you!"

"ahh, that's better!"

Moving on to this morning...

That hawk photobombed my dawn!

Setting up for today's big event

Maybe a last chance to catch the cinquefoils

We begin our assault on the Hotel woods

Mushroom Ridge flowers

"Um, dead end..."

Turn around, try another way.  Scrappy would Daniel Boone his way through... Misty's smarter than that

Another likely place...

...another dead end.  Heck with this!  So we went down a ways...

Never really cut through here before...

But when we came out here, at least I knew where we were

The far side of where they cleared out last fall's hobo camp

And here's the trail that puts us back in our woods!

So back in home grounds, we'll take  a disc golf trail we haven't tried yet

"As long as it's an actual TRAIL, I'm fine!"

Somebody dropped a BUNCH of red leaves

"I know where I am now!  There's Big Guy!"

This was going to be an awesome "squirrel staring at us" pic... but SOMEbody moved...

"It wasn't my good side..."

How a normal neighbor decorates for Halloween

How their next door neighbor decorates... that giant spider on the porch roof is a bit much IMHO

The witch raising her arms was cool though