What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

In honor of Charlie Hedbo

Islam shows its cowardice yet again.  Gunman shout, "the Prophet is avenged!" and murder 12 people over a CARTOON.  A fricking cartoon.

But I have a President that wants me to understand Islam.  To recognize that there is something we can learn from people like this.

Screw him, and screw them.  Yes, I said  screw them.  So when these cowards come to my door with their guns and their bombs and their Allah, I will spit in their face, and laugh at them when they find out that the God that is great looks a lot like Jesus.

I salute you, fallen of Charlie Hedbo.  I salute you for showing Mohammed as the false prophet and the followers of Mohammed, the petty little serial murderers they are.

We here at Tilting at Windmills are glad to show you the "god" you show us.  The fat, blood soaked, pig-faced representative of Satan that "he" is.  This is the image YOU draw for us.  And then you get mad when we see "him" like this.  You want us to worship something that supposedly feels we should grovel at your feet, rape children, beat wives, enslave anyone who doesn't see "god" as a petty, murdering, slave master.  I for one am sick of you.  Of your demands that the USA and other western countries "oppress" you.  Of your thought process that the only thing valuable about life is how much fear its ending brings.

Your "purity" is a lie.
Your "faith" is an excuse.
Your "Law" is a joke.

But one thing I can agree with "Allah" on.  I wouldn't want my image made, either.  If "he" is what you present, I'd want my image hidden in shame, too.

"He" is a coward.  And, proven once again, leadership comes from the top.


  1. Chris:
    So....could you tell me how you REALLY feel?

    Just messin't with 'ya, buddy.
    A very good post, and you beat a lot of people to THIS punch.

    Stay safe and warm up there.

  2. So when these cowards come to my door with their guns and their bombs and their Allah, I will spit in their face, and laugh at them

    I'm just not gonna answer the door....

  3. Now let me get this right you thing murdering 12 people over a cartoon is whacked..............well I agree with you just so you know you are not alone with these thoughts and opinions
