What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Another nice day, more pictures...

Not that I miss the construction... but I miss the boardwalk...

What's shakin' at Scrappy's Landing?

Hmm... that's new...

Darn... caught again!

Scrappy goes down that little bitty 50 degree angle path of mud to sniff something... Doesn't fall in, thank God

Exploring the Holler
First orphan golf ball of the season

And the season opener at the (not so) Green Hole.

"Oh, BTW dad, watch out for that leaf covered hole right... oops!  Never mind..."

Just a spot we don't often stop at

"Whaddya mean, it's time to go home?"


  1. Chris:
    ---yeah, something about a boardwalk (aside from the Monopoly game) is kinda nice.
    ---A new fallen tree. Wonder if anyone HEARD it?
    ---Scrappy on a slippery slope? He just mirrors our society in his OWN way.
    (and does it with more cuteness)
    ---Another golf ball for the "collection"?
    Makes me wonder WHO is out there with a 9-iron?
    ---That green hole looks like the MUD hole...lol.
    ---Fell into a hole? Be glad it didn't have PUNJI STICKS at the bottom!
    ---I totally LOVE that last phot...Scrappy looks so content.

    Very good walkabout.

    Stay safe (and out of any holes) up there, brother.

  2. These are great pictures from your walk, and very funny. "never mind that leaf-covered hole."
