Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Joh 18:37 Then Pilate said to him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world--to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."
Joh 18:38 Pilate said to him, "What is truth?"
David Jeremiah is going through a series called Overcomer, and in it he talks about how truth, our spiritual belt, is not an offensive weapon, but that which ties all the rest together. And yet, I was a bit bemused when he said he didn't know if Pilate was being truthful or sarcastic when he said what he did. To me, the answer is simple- he was a veteran politician between a rock and a hard place. It was no sincere question. But as I have learned recently, mercy is a quality that needs worked on, so maybe I should cut Pilate some slack.
So am I about to give a defense on Pilate? No, actually, I am going to give an "attack" on Albert Einstein. While you cue up the "record scratch", allow me to explain.
The Big Bang theory (not the show) has been used for years by scientists to prove that there is no need for a God- that it could have happened somehow spontaneously. I have been reading , as I mentioned before on my blog, The Unknown Universe by Stuart Clark. This is, make no mistake, a science book, but it has given me great insights that fill me with confidence that science, when it does what it should, points to God. For example, there is one theory that postulates that when the solar system was young, the sun was still amping up to its present strength- and so, the earliest rocks should show evidence of having formed in an ice environment. However, findings showed the opposite- that the earliest rocks on earth found yet show that they had to have formed in a liquid water environment. Leading at least one major scientist to speculate that there must have been some form of "greenhouse effect" warming the earth at the time...
Gen 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
Gen 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
But where I want to go is a man named Georges Lemaître. Lemaître was a an engineer, a math genius- and a Jesuit priest. He had taken Einstein's equations and deduced that you could run them backwards into a point where all of the universe collapsed into one point, which is where they would break down- in other words, he backtracked his way to discovering the big bang. As I have said, this is the widely accepted theory now, and scientists use it to claim that nature need no God. But then, Lemaître had to come begging to Einstein, because "established" science said Lemaître "was trying to force God upon science" WITH the theory.
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Which is why I make fun of any clown that talks about "settled science." |
For some of us, truth isn't something you mold to fit your agenda- an issue that Clark has in the background of most of his comments on "settled science"- but as Jeremiah explained, "Truth is a person, Jesus Christ. Pilate had truth before him; he put truth on trial; he had truth flogged, beaten, and crucified."
At the very conference Einstein was going to when Lemaître accosted him, he was to become so frustrated that he- and Niels Bohr in reply- prophesied without knowing it.
Einstein did it by saying, "God does not play dice with the universe!"
Which is very true, but not for the reasons Einstein intended. His theories of special and general relativity were coming under increasing attack by the newly hatched quantum theory, which was trying to explain the universe without having to include Einstein's calculus-fudging "cosmological constant" to make the equations work. It would force Einstein into accepting an evolving universe that seemed random at times- and he wasn't having it. Because he was convinced he was right, and his whole self-esteem was built into his theory- And for it to be wrong, HE would have to be wrong at a fundamental level. Plus, he was desperately trying to work out his theories without the CC, too- and his lack of progress frustrated him. He was EINSTEIN, after all. HE shouldn't have to factor God into any equation, because God built a mathematical universe, and it was Einstein's to understand.
Do you see here, the pride, the devotion to "your version" of the truth, that is so prevalent now?
Bohr's answer to him was equally frustrated: "Einstein, stop telling God what to do with the universe!"
Every theory that science trumpets to the media- like "dark matter" and "dark energy"- is not so much a discovery as a "cosmological constant" fudged in to make the universe "work according to theory". What you don't hear is the other side of the story- for instance, an experiment planned in 2028 or thereafter that might definitely prove that there IS no "dark matter"- and they'll be back to having to work out new theory to explain how God moves and orders the universe without including God. Or just Friday night, me reading an article that said what they had just discovered from observing microquasars (ask yourself if you really want to know) that indicated they might just have to throw out everything they think they know about black holes. But you won't hear this in the mainstream until they find a way to spin it into "contemporary theory", the PC sham that is media "science".
What do I believe? The Bible. Like Einstein believed in a general and a special relativity, I believe there was a general and a special Creation. Genesis 1:1-2 tells us the world was made FIRST- and I believe that to be true, how else to you explain all the various "Goldilocks zones" that had to be set up to make life possible on earth? And with the world made, then comes the Big Bang:
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
I believe that is the creation of spacetime as we know it. One last thing. Clark told the story of trying to "observe the Big Bang". That according to current theory, the BB should have created a temperature difference in the "cosmic background microwave radiation" in its original direction- but observation shows there IS no temp difference- it's uniform any way you look. I told Laurie that is spacetime is curved as Einstein theorized and everyone still believes, then there HAS to be a horizon beyond which we cannot see until we get there...
I just think scientists and Christians disagree on where that "there" really is...
Another bloody great post that should give people something to think about
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDelete---That's a very compelling explanation, especially the part about TRUTH.
I'm one of those folks that believes in THE truth, and I don't ever try and squeeze, shape or otherwise mold it to fit into ANY form I so choose.
---I always watch that Science Channel show HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS, and there are so many aspects of the questions asked about OUR planet and how "we" fit into the scope of the universe.
I often feel that although the people on the show never mention it, all the "theories" are there because so one wants to mention GOD in the mix (from whom everything flows).
We are SO blessed and fortunate to be PRECISELY where we are in all this, and to me, there can be no randomness assigned to any of it.
Truth, in it's essence is, has been, and always will be unchanging.
Excellent post.
Stay safe up there, brother.
I agree. Science has failed to learn after all these centuries to set egos aside and just report what they see.