What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, February 23, 2024

M10 show week #108


Well, tonight we have Laurie home somewhat sick, Pizza is on the way, and...

Laurie:  Hey, what's "almost sick"?  I'm achy, like a train ran over me!  You know how this hits me...

Well, I wasn't exactly trying to type a diagnosis- although if I keep it up it might be...

...for me... anyway, we have 3 debuts this week, and...

L: But wait, if you give them now, I'll know them before you play me the list!

It's a time machine, I'll just go back to Tuesday lunchtime and play them for you then.  That way, you'll know them before I do!

L: Now my head hurts...

There's some ibuprofen right next to the button you got to push to play the first debut. Which belongs to former Kiss-er Ace Frehley.  Apparently, he told a reviewer, "This will make my old bandmates sound like morons!"  The reviewer later wrote, "He didn't make them sound like morons... but he didn't sound like one either."  Here's the title track to that lp at #9...



L: Should I hit this button next? 

Not yet!  First I have to tell everyone we're featuring 1962 this week- a week where the USA had Gene Chandler's classic (except in Australia) Duke Of Earl at the top, as did Canada.  It only got to #42 in Australia, though.  They had my usual co-host at the top with Can't Help Falling In Love (and ain't you gonna be in trouble for squeezing him out at this point!), a song that was on the way down at #30 here.

Now, usually I would do my top five this week (after inserting the usual caveats) next, but...

L: What caveats?

"Based on where they are, going up or down, how long I would have been listening at this point..." You know, putting myself in the week in question, more or less.

L:  Oh, you mean that stuff you always say when it starts...

Um, yeah.  But since we have three debuts, Go ahead and h...

Pizza's here!

Okay, hit the switch marked "Food Pause" so the audience doesn't have to hear us eating, belching, etc.

Elvis belches on here...

He's a pig, though.


Okay, so second debut is actually the b-side of Water Underground.. so that means #8 belongs to Real Estate...


Now it's Chris's top fiii-ve...

Probably best if we leave out the Casey Kasem theme music... you never know who might show up around here...

#5- Roy Orbison, Dream Baby.  Zooming from 69 to 39 this week, it would peak at 2 both in the USA and Australia...


Sigh... and at 8 in Canada.

#4- The Everly Brothers,  Crying In The Rain.  Unlike the Big O, the brothers are starting to slow down climbing a notch to 8.  It peaked 6 here, 7 Australia, and a surprising 25 on the Canadian "CHUM chart".

#3- Don and Juan, What's Your Name.  The bullet rides here for me, with the song moving up 39-29.  It peaks 7 here, 12 in Canada, and of course 73 in Australia. 

#2- Gene Chandler, Duke Of Earl.  It IS in it's 4th of 5 weeks at the top of the Cashbox chart.  2 of 3 in Canada.

And my #1 this week... 

...Chubby Checker and the second time around for The Twist.  It hit #1 here in both 1960 and 1962.  It got to #3 this trip in Australia... it was a recent 6 week chart topper in Canada- which it was NOT the first time around, being held out apparently by Jimmie Rodgers's The Wreck Of the John B, an early version of the Beach Boys' Sloop John B.

Okay, get ready to hit that last button!  Our last debut is by a gent who's hit the top here 3 times already, and comes in at #7 with the theme to the new show Tracker.  This is... Talk...

Um, Laurie?  Hit the button!

Sorry, I was concentrating on Pat Sajak on Wheel Of Fortune...

Yeesh, remember what I said about saying names...

Sorry, I was watching some guy on a famous syndicated game show...

The button?

Oh,  Yeah.


What happens now?

Now, having taken doggie out to the restroom and getting her treats, I will read off the rest of the M10...

10- Thousand Foot Krutch and friends with Let The Sparks Fly in week 7 drops 3 spots.

6- Camera Obscura up 4 with Big Love.

5- From the top to 5th, Jenny Lewis and Cherry Baby.

4- Up one for Dent May's One Call, That's All.

3- Up three for Juliana Hatfield and Secret Messages.

2- His highest charting solo so far, Buck Meek and Cuero Dudes.

And the new #1, her first....

...Amira Elfecky and Everything I Do Is For You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've had five straight #1s by acts new to the top!  Will Juliana or Dent end that?  Tune in next week!


  1. The first thing I see is Diagnosis Murder a show I use to watch if there was nothing else to watch, this was followed by music new to me but the music was ok, I didn't mind it. Then I broke out in a sweat and had to open the door to cool down and listen to the rain.

  2. thecontemplativecat here . Chubby Checker was part of my kid years. It was big, esp. in a rural community.

  3. Three cheers for Ace Frehley! 🤘🔥 And Talk is fast becoming a Canadian icon. He has such a great voice! I like Tracker as well. It's an interesting show.
