What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, October 4, 2024

M10 show, week 137


Okay, so while Chris gets a pop to wash down that expensive meal he got us from McDonalds, lemme tell you, Target year 1965 is all kinda messed up, 2 new songs and a new #1 on the M10, an' we're on time an' doin' a show this week!  One thing I kin let slip is that we ran across'a article from Pitchfork givin' a list'a their top 100 albums of the 2020's so fer... an' the only M10 acts that made it- but placed good- were 100 Gecs with 10,000Gecs at #49, and Alvvays an' Blue Rev at #15.  Way ta go!

Also, it wunnunt be right ta not say a word to another highwayman comin' ta join me...

Kris Kristofferson, which leaves only Willie on the good Earth.  Since Chris is takin' so daburn long, I'll cue up the song he wanted ta play in Kris's honor...

(Note:  Since we can't trust YT to play in all countries, if you need to, the song is Desperadoes Waiting For A Train by the Highwaymen.)

Geez, still no Chris... wunner if he had ta walk to the bottler or somethin'... Anyhow, like I sez, we're doin' 1965, an' the first messed up thing is,the #1's this week.  Hang On Sloopy by the McCoys was #1 here.  Now the story goes that Chris an' Laurie met a real nice guy who claimed ta be the drummer on the single record.  Chris wanted to do a story on it, but fer some reason, ol' boy din't want the story told.  Guess he figured Chris's blog had a wide, influential audience or somethin'.  Must a been true, though, it was only a couple years later, the gent passed, an' he had durn near as many people come to his funeral as they did mine.  Anyway, it got ta 8 in Australia, but if it charted in Canada, nobody knows it.  At the same time, an outfit called Little Caesar and the Consuls hit #3 up north, must be why the McCoys din't.

In Canada, it wuz Sonny Bono an' Laugh At Me.  Despite the easy joke in the title, that Chris allus laughs at, it weren't a bad song.  It hit 10 here... but Australia laughed and said, "#99".

An' Down Under, it wuz the Beatles- of course- with Help, which had just finished it's run at the top up north, an' wuz #7 this week on Cashbox.  Hmmm, still no Chris.  Maybe I'll just sneak in a number... no, best not.  The first debut this week, though, comes in at 10 fer Star Kendrick an' Geowulf... it's called Nightmare...


Kinda makes ya wonder if'n she's regretting goin' solo... Speakin' of solo, I guess that's whut I'm doin' tonight.  So let's move on ta the biggest movin' bullets this week...

5- this here's the flip of the #3 mover... the Beatles and Act Naturally.  15 spots ta #33, it would go 'fire's out' here at 28, whilst ever'one else just counted it with the a-side; which believe it or not, wuz actually the intended b-side... this'll shock ya more when we get there...

4- The Gentrys an' Keep On Dancing, also 15 up ta 28.  Peaked at 58 in Australia, here at 4, but once agin, if'n it charted in Canada, our crack research team can't find it...

3- the original b-side of Act Naturally- the Beatles an' Yesterday.  Movin' 23 ta #4, it wuz #1 here, 2 in Australia, #4 in Canada.  Guess they daresn't leave the Beatles off...

2- A Lover's Concerto by the Toys.  This'n made Chris tear up when we played it in rehearsal (Note:  This stuff is NEVER rehearsed) , so I'm guessin' it might be his biggest of the week. Up 25 ta # 29, it hit the top in North America, an' 6 in Australia.

An' the biggest mover- 35 spots ta #39...

I guess Getty images has a copyright, so be good...

...Gary Lewis an' the Playboys, Everybody Loves A Clown!  Here, a #4 peak, Canada chips in with an 8, Australia stiffs us with a 61.

AHEM.  I guess it's time ta play that second debut at #8.  This is anuther of the "Chris an' Laurie play the alphabet" tunes they found.  From 2015, here's Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters, with Jukebox...


That song kinda gets ya inna happy spot... especially there towards the end...

I agree.  She puts me in mind of Lucinda Williams without the rough edge...

EEEEEEEK!  Good gravy, warn a person wouldja?  Where in tarnation ya been?

Watching to see how good a job you do by yourself... and that's pretty good!  Definitely worthy of a raise.

Finally, yer givin' me a r... hey wait, you don' pay me nothin'!

Your estate is worth close to half a billion dollars!  I think you of all people can afford an imaginary paycheck!

Well, I guess... so you finally gonna do somethin' here?

Yeah, why not?  The rest of the M10...

9- Stuck there for a third week, The Heavy Heavy and Because You're Mine.

7- Slipping another spot, Dorothy with Mud.

6- The other "alphabet song", as Elvis called them, the Go-Betweens up 2 with 1988's Streets Of Your Town.

5- Beabadoobie slipping from the top with Beaches.

4- Up one for Linkin Park and The Emptiness Machine.

3- Down one for Beach House and Somewhere Tonight.

2- Up two for illuminati hotties and Sleeping In.

And the new #1- also an "alphabet song":

...Emblem3 and Chloe (You're The One I Want)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And with that, I ride off into the sunset, justice being set aright...

Who the heck was that masked man, haw!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday Bible Study: Revelation finale


So we have gone through the battle.  The world is purged for the next thousand years, of sin, and Christ rules on His throne.  And now, you expect I am going to lead you through what Revelation says about that thousand years and thereafter.  I am not.

I am going to put all of that in the same perspective that Paul did...

1Co 2:9  But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"-- 

And that is sufficient.  But what I want to do is look back at what I- and maybe, you- learned over these months.

First thing I learned comes from this odd exchange in Genesis:

Gen 32:24  And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 
Gen 32:25  When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 
Gen 32:26  Then he said, "Let me go, for the day has broken." But Jacob said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." 
Gen 32:27  And he said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob." 
Gen 32:28  Then he said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed." 
Gen 32:29  Then Jacob asked him, "Please tell me your name." But he said, "Why is it that you ask my name?" And there he blessed him. Gen 32:30  So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, "For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered." 

Let me explain what happened here in brief, and how it applies.  The "man" was the Pre-Incarnate Jesus; else why would Jacob say, "I have seen God"?  And Jacob wrestled with Him ALL night, even after he suffered an injury that would mark him (with a limp) the rest of his life- until He blessed him.  This is the way I learned to work my way through Revelation- wrestling with each passage, not giving up until I was blessed with the Answer God wanted me to seek.  And that wrestling forever changed me.  It helped me to see God.

And what did I see?  An atheist would probably tell me, "You saw some imaginative ways for a god to inflict suffering on humanity".  But I saw quite the opposite.  I saw a world which, despite every evidence- even to the point of having three angels circle the world telling it- rejected God.  Not simply not hearing, or not caring- these were people that actively, purposefully, to their own harm, rejected God.  Not the atheist who stands there and says, "You have to prove God to me."  Not the Muslim or Hindu who has a mistaken concept of God.  Not even the Jew who has been blinded BY God.  No, these SAW God, as much as sinful man CAN see Him, and still rejected Him.  But remember last week?

Joe 2:11  The LORD utters his voice before his army, for his camp is exceedingly great; he who executes his word is powerful. For the day of the LORD is great and very awesome; who can endure it? 
Joe 2:12  "Yet even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; 
Joe 2:13  and rend your hearts and not your garments." Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. 
Joe 2:14  Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a drink offering for the LORD your God? 

Even at this point of final destruction, He offered them undeserved mercy.  How great a God is this, who, with every right to totally destroy, shows even then mercy?  

So what, say you?  So, how DARE anyone say, "I've done too many bad things; the Lord won't care for me", when He shows this great a mercy?  And how stupid, stubborn, disobedient do we have to be to reject it?  I want to give you another perspective...

Pro 21:11  When a scoffer is punished, the simple becomes wise; when a wise man is instructed, he gains knowledge. 

You might remember way back when I did my deep dive into Proverbs, I explained that that book showed us three kinds of sinners:  The simple, who just have no knowledge of God; the Fool, who says in his heart, there IS no God; and the scoffer, who knows deep inside there is a Holy God, but just doesn't care.  The scoffer is the ONE sinner who cannot be saved, because he doesn't want to be.  He has made himself his OWN god; and as one such recently told me, thinks he is a BETTER god than the One we worship.  The world punished at Armageddon is the world of scoffers; perhaps by learning, rehearsing, repeating what WILL happen to them, some simple coming across this blog some day will become wise.  That is up to God, and that is MY hope.

And the great thing is, nobody HAS to go through this.  Again, as Paul said:

Rom 10:9  because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 
Rom 10:10  For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 
Rom 10:11  For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame." 

And that is the chief end.  Praise be to God!