What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

MWN: Mixed up pics #3

Well, here we are with another fun look at what otherwise would be hateful, partisan news stories from reporters who would rather glorify themselves and their opinions than give us something useful to learn.  That's right, you can covertly disrespect the media across the planet just by checking out these posts!  So let's see what Chris can find this time!

1- FoxNews

The picture...

The headline...

Creepy Crawlers: New invasive 'aggressive biter' tick spreads across US, sparks concern

Actually Antifa members arrested in Berkeley (If you can believe that)... But since they are useless, harmful parasites I would venture that it works....

2- FoxNews part two

The picture...

The headline...

Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk describe being attacked by liberal mob

Wait, weren't the idiots that went after them masked?  Oh, this was the afterparty....

3- CNN

The picture...

The headline...

This is where you should go on safari

I'll guarantee you'll have a hot time...

4- CNN the second

The picture...

The headline....

That time when your life resembled 'The Office'

Which is why I never want to be in management.

5- BBC

The picture...

The headline...

Robert Redford:  10 Greatest film roles

Here he was in How Green Was My Valley, the 1968 remake...

6- BBC doubled

The picture...

The headline...

Can Italy trust this man?

Looks a bit shady to me...  Maybe it's the yarmulke...

7- Moscow Times 

The picture....

The headline....

Blowing Your Top the Russian Way

Every week I seem to find fat Russian guys getting wet in public... Me, I'd just as soon break something.

8- Xinhua 

The picture...

The headline....

Shanghai maintenance staff of railways remain at their posts in heat

What a happy, gaily attired group of workers they are!  The Revolution lives!


9- Deutsche Welle

The picture...

The headline...

German supermarket selling customers time in its cold-storage room as a way to beat the heat

And when they say, "cold", they aren't farfagnugening...

1 comment:

  1. Chris:
    ---1 - Them's some scary ugly peeps!
    ---2 -Afterparty...HA!
    ---3 -Heh, I was thinking "Satan called - He wants his ambience back".
    ---4 -That's a LOT of bison on the hoof there.
    ---5 -A green Redford - sounds "Christmasey".
    ---6 -Nothing like a good liberal Pope picture.
    ---7 -Is that water...or VODKA?
    ---8 -Revolution...LOL. My, how they DO stand out.
    ---9 - Good thing they didn't blame THNAT cold on "global warming".

    Very funny stuff. Like the format.

    Stay safe (and witty as the day is long) up there, brother.
