What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Vacation finale

So much of the end of our vacation looked like this:

Much of Saturday morning was like this (and sometimes worse, as Bobby G can attest to), and then Sunday early AM gave us a lightning storm for the ages.  Scrappy, who never got upset at storms before this summer, had to cuddle on me, and the thunder was so loud, you know how when you used to turn up your cheap speakers and got that fuzzy distortion?  It sounded like THAT.  Almost made the ears hot.

Our only Sunday activity was a short walk into high humidity, which turned the neighborhood into a fungi Land Of The Lost...

And the proof of the rain can be seen in the "slicked-back" look at the ditch...

Backtracking, it did clear off enough Friday to get a little shopping in, which I'll go into in a bit, and for Laurie to actually catch some birds at our new feeder whilst I napped...

....when I got up, though, it was just Scooter...

One of the items Laurie got was this drone...

...this teeny tiny drone...

And its teeny tiny instruction manual and teeny tiny snap on parts that were just a teeny tiny bit annoying.  So far Laurie has mastered the art of going floor to ceiling in .89 seconds and back almost as fast.  I tried once and managed straight level flight- right into the nearest wall- followed by a bounce off the floor and an under the radar trip into the trash can.  It will take some practice- and perhaps wide open spaces.

On the other hand, I have been dealing with the removal of my Golden Monkey Beer from most of the places I can usually get it.  I wrote Victory Brewing, they sicked me on the local distributor, and they have not yet been polite enough to respond.  So I bought a mixed 6 to see who might assume the title of "plan B", hopefully for the short term.  I have tried out 4 of them so far.  Friday, I tried...

Bell's Amber Ale, weighing in at 6.5% ABV, sporting a nice taste similar to the Jeremiah Red I get at BJ's Brewhouse.  I gave it 2-1 odds to win the contest.  Followed that up with...

Sun King's Pachanga "Mexican lager"  Weighing in at 4.2%, the lightweight of the group is a corn beer, and thus tasted like I was drinking it through a tortilla-shell straw.  Which wasn't bad for a one off, but... I gave it 20-1.

Saturday, I started off with...

Matilda from Goose Island.  Weighing in at a lusty 7.0%, this was, like Golden Monkey, a beer that changes as it goes down.  Officially a "Belgian strong pale ale", it was a bit clove-y at the top, but sweetened and "fruited" about 2/3s of the way down.  I put it as the favorite at 3-2.   I finished the weekend with...

Upland's Oktoberfest.  I have never been a huge fan of Oktoberfests, so I was taking a personal chance here.  Weighing in at 6.7%, it was "toasty" without tasting like coffee grounds.  So while I would give it about a 15-1 seasonal shot, it is my favorite amongst the Oktoberfests I have had.

Two more candidates await me at the end of the week, and we'll see how it goes from there.  And with Laurie already back to work Sunday, and tales of disaster awaiting having already reached my ears from my place of employment, it will be a long week ahead.


  1. Chris:
    ---We were grocery shopping in that torrential rain...(but did not get physically wet...weird) - ran onto the berm once and hopped a curb once. It was damn hard to see the road, let alone the LANE you were supposed to be driving in. Could not see the lines (but have a good memory of where they're supposed to be...heh)
    I was glad to get back home, I can tell you (as was Wifey).
    ---Those are some bloody HUGE fungi (shrooms, anyone?)
    ---Better hope that ditch doesn't want to grow into a sinkhole!
    ---Birds and squirrels at the feeder...I remember THOSE days...LOL.
    ---Geez, that IS a MINI-drone. Didn't know they came THAT small!
    Seems it was a teeny tiny bit MORE problematic that you wanted...
    ---Looks like the G-Ms might be a tad more popular than first thought (always the way with something good, right?)
    Glad you had a PLAN B ready.
    (mine is a fallback to Guinness!)
    ---A MEXICAN beer?
    What did you expect, Julio?
    (Antonio Banderas with a guitar case full or guns?)
    ---Matilda sounds like a keeper.
    ---I can take or leave the Oktoberfests...not really into German beers EXCEPT for when they clean the vats and you get that DARK ale (like a rich stout).Then again, I love coffee...lol.
    ---Remember, the week may "seem" longer, but time passes at the SAME rate (unless you're on Mt. Everest...then it moves a teeny tiny bit slower (good place to try the drone).

    Stay safe (and stay cool) up there, brother.

    1. I bet Einstein could prove that time passes differently at work vs vacation. It's a time-space thing, I tell you!

  2. I know it sucks to have rain during a vacation but man I would love it. I love to sleep while its raining and just sit on the couch and veg. Plus we always need it here in dry Texas!! Wish I was a beer drinker but i'm not. Todd likes our state beer Shiner Bock. have you tried that?

    1. I have thought about it heavily...I just never was big on bock, but they sent all their caps to me for my cap collection a few years back. Eventually I will, and I'll let you know. And I feel the same about the rain- even the Sunday lightning storm, though it was a tad over the top...

  3. I hate such fungi when I see them I have to kick them over.

  4. Hah! Remember Scrappy the mushroom slayer last summer?
