Debbie the Dog-lady is doing a new blog-hop based on 26 A-to-Z questions about oneself that you get to answer. It sounded interesting (talking about myself, who'da thunk it), so I thought I would try it- with my own little twists, of course.
A- Age: I am the same age my Mom was when she died- AKA 54 years old. But with a grandchild on the way, I assume the age curve is about to move into the exponential range.
B- Biggest fear: I haven't really gotten too far thinking on that. I remember when my former Pastor's father passed, how bad his wife fell apart. I came home and told Laurie, "I'm going first". So to Debbie, I'd say mine and yours are pretty much in the same vein.
C- Current time (really?): 4:21 PM EDT.
D- Drink you last had: If you are referring to alcohol, I believe my son was serving Coors Light at his place two Saturdays ago. If not, then I'm about 2/5ths down a 16.9 ounce Pepsi. But don't tell my doctor.
E- Every Day Starts with: At least one of the three S's and about 7 pills.
F- Favorite song: No Time by the Guess Who, Strange Magic by ELO, or Sherry by the Four Seasons, depending on the mood.
G- Ghosts, are they real? : More things in heaven and earth, but I don't personally believe in them. Much. I do however respect the hidden world of elves, nixies, and other such mythological creatures who cling to a fragment of truth.
H- Hometown: If you adjust the focus past "rural New Haven, Indiana" you will eventually zero in on Besancon- basically a church and a handful of homes started by the first French settlers in the area back in the 1850's.
I- In Love With: Currently the Justad sisters from the band Tangerine. See also Molly Rankin from Alvvays and Victoria LeGrand from Beach House.
J- Jealous of: Occasionally the customers who buy our products, because if they buy our product, that means they have a big old boat and a lake cottage and THAT's what I want and won't ever get.
K- Killed someone: What're you, CSI?
L- Last Time I cried: You'll find it only takes the right song at the right time with me, so prolly last week while trying to figure the M10 (the countdown in my Friday Time Machine post).
M- Middle name: William. All though all the time's I've been called "Christopher Robin" you'd wonder.
N- Number of Siblings: Four, all older. Two brothers, 74 and 71; two sisters, too old and slow to get me if I tell you 68 and 64.
O- One wish: Drink in hand, toes in sand, watching the water. All I need is an ocean.
P- Person you Last called- Laurie, Friday night, asking her to pick us up because Scrappy popped his hip out again.
Because I had to check this out... |
Q- Question you're always asked: "Damn, you beautiful. How you do dat?"
Actually, more like, "How's Laurie? Tell her I said hi."
R- Reason to smile: Salvation. Safe home. Good family. Work ends at 2:30 PM.
S- Sounds that annoy you: The squeak of the keyboard tray maladjusted...
T- Time you woke up: For good, 5 AM. Before that, when Scrappy wakes up between 2-4 AM to have me let him under the covers.
U- Underwear color: Really? Outside of soilage, gray.
V-Vacation destination:
a-so far:My first night in Florida, at Ormond beach. Because childhood, and Florida.
b- wish list: The old Bronze Age sites- Hisarlik (Troy), Mycenae, Tiryns.
![]() |
The Lion Gate at Mycenae |
W- Worst Habit: Laurie suggests that this would be that my way of "being organized" involves having things laying around where I can get at them easily. Many people would call this system "a mess" but it really doesn't seem messy to me, until it does. Then I get it all gathered back together until I need to "organize" it again.
X- X-rays you've had: A funny story here: A few months into my current job, I was asked to train a couple of co-workers that had nothing better to do. As I did, I swung around and smacked a blade to my machine with the back of my hand. It left a cut that needed stitches, and so I was sent off to the care Center we use. What nobody knew was that there were 2 Christophers in the waiting room, and soon they were wanting to x-ray my arm. For a cut finger? Guess what, wrong Christopher. Now isn't that better than a dry (and likely inaccurate) survey of my life's total roentgens?
Y- Your favorite food: A dangerous topic this close to suppertime, but I could easily live on Cheeseburgers. Or Pizza.
Z- Zodiac sign: This one should be obvious, if you know me:
Hi, Chris!
ReplyDeleteIt was nice of you to accept Debbie the Doglady's A to Z Challenge, however I think you were telling a bold-faced lie when you gave the current time as 4:21 PM EDT. I have every reason to believe it was actually 4:22 PM EDT and I intend to prove it, even if it takes me the rest of my life.
I'm sorry you lost your mother at such an early age. Mine was also young when she died - only 76. Seems like I am old enough to be your older brother.
My favorite song is "Olé Olé" by Spanish fireball Charo.
My underwear color is gray, too, but only because I never wash it. It's against my religion.
I share your "in love with" the Justads, Molly Rankin and Victoria LeGrand.
Danger is my middle name, baby - YEAH!
I hope your Tuesday is a Scrappy one, good buddy Chris!
4:21 when started, 5:21 when finished. And you'll never prove anything. Bob and I are Time Lords, we can easily go back and cover our tracks.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty good idea...I like it.
And since I know a LOT more about you NOW...I can easily see why I call you "brother".
(A dear departe4d friend from high school was also a Taurus.)
Stay safe, dry, and cool up there.
I wouldn't think that there was much there (outside the Taurus thing) that you didn't already know...
DeleteSome people just don't understand the brilliance behind chaotic organization. Are you as bad as I am? If someone moves something in my "mess" so much as half an inch from its original spot, I will notice immediately...
ReplyDeleteNo, not that bad, but prolly a couple inches will make me question where it got off to...
DeleteThanks for playing along, Chris! I enjoyed getting to know a little more about you and yes, the X-ray story was much better that just a list. I hope your dog's hip is better now. Hubby and I visited Mycenae in 2013. It was incredible! Hope you get there one day. Kicking myself that we didn't visit Troy, but Ephesus was equally spectacular. The Guess Who is one of my favourite bands also. Organized chaos is normal around here. We seem to have much in common. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI think there is only one appropriate response to this comment- ((((JEALOUS)))
DeleteBut other than that, glad you enjoyed!
If you're interested, I've been publishing a series of posts about our trip This is Mycenae
DeleteI would be hard pressed to pick a favorite song. Kudos to you on narrowing it down to just three. Vacation spots would be another one that would throw me for a loop. There are so many places I'd really love to see. It's a big world. I hope you walk through that Lion Gate some day.
ReplyDeleteYou should see my Great Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties Countdowns...
DeleteGood thing you weren't the Christopher who requested a sex change.
ReplyDeleteAnd the train's last cars finally jump the track....
DeleteGreat Challenge and you killed it with all of your answers. Now I spit my iced tea at the letter U though. :)
ReplyDeletePeople should know better than to ask me such questions...
DeleteAlways fun to learn more about bloggers. "No Time" is a great song. Like Robin, I'd be hard pressed to come up with one or three or even 50. I'd keep thinking of more.
ReplyDeleteI did this meme during the April A to Z at my Wrote By Rote blog and made it last for the whole month. I love stretching out content to the max.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
For me, there is always a divide between the merely great and the songs that step beyond. But not everyone's as obsessed as me, lol!
DeleteOh you're like my sister and dad! They also want everything lying out in the open, all over the place, "easily accessible", instead of in cupboards! Totally freaks me out!
ReplyDeleteFather knows best, lol!
DeleteGiggled, even guffawed at certain points, my way through this. Very cool answers. Very glad you joined Debbie's hop. (And I absolutely love the fact you wake up in the middle of the night to let your dog snuggle under the covers. The world needs more people like you around.)
ReplyDeleteGuilie @ Quiet Laughter
Believe me, if I didn't, I'd probably lose the blanket...
DeleteGreat getting to know you and your unorganized / organized ways. Very funny! I no longer buy anything white, our well water turns it all gray. I suggest going with pink - live a little!
ReplyDeleteYeah, white is not a good option for me. I am not as bad as Pigpen on Peanuts, but do have a way of attracting dirt. Pink.... uh, no. I'd have to eat back too much of the crap I've given others through the years...
DeleteI totally missed this post because I was recouping from hospital stay. We share the zodiac sign and having to share covers and being woken up at 2 by our four legged friend. HAHA!! I think I will take some time to do a post with these questions.
ReplyDeleteWe don't share the Turquoise undies, though!
DeleteHi there! So glad for this blog hop and a chance to meet new people! Thanks for sharing. So many different answers, proving we are all unique. I travel a lot and love visiting ancient sites, like the Etruscans in Tuscany. Fabulous. Hope you get to your Bronze Age sites. I, too, participated. Hope you can pop over! :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm afraid the odds of me making it to Troy or Mycenae are roughly equivalent to the odds of my ashes someday being scattered in the right wind-current. But, I am content where I am.
DeleteAh, you've adopted my hubby's organization techniques. Interesting!! 😃
ReplyDeleteThey were mine first! I call infringement!
DeleteYou made me laugh in several places. Thanks. This is fun.
ReplyDeleteI know you don't know me that well, but this is too good to pass up....
Delete"Several places? How many places can you laugh out of?"
Thanks for the fun post! And for letting us know about you. Glad you joined the fun and great to meet you. I'm late, but I have a note.
ReplyDeleteHi Chris! I had fun reading your 26 things about you. Hey, you and I have the same "organizing" system. I'm very visual and need it all out in front of me to find it. Funny story about your xray and the mixup with the two Christophers. I'm kinda miffed that I had a police check done to do volunteer work at a seniors' place and there is another woman with my name who has a criminal record so I have to pay for fingerprints to prove I'm a good girl! GEEESH! And I did this ten years ago and paid for them already. Guess the police aren't sure what I've been up to in ten years and need to do my prints again. GRRR!
ReplyDeleteHow about this one: I used to be married to a Michelle, and there was another Christopher and Michelle Martin in town!
DeleteNice to get to know you. Pizza sounds pretty great to me right now, too!