What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, April 16, 2018

A little news, a little walk

Note:  I only have two news stories here, but they definitely fit the bill.  In between, the return of pictures!

NEWS:  A likely excuse...

Marijuana eaten by mice, say Argentina police officers

But while mice might eat a LITTLE pot, as anyone who has enjoyed the pleasure at home might know, this... THIS....

Eight Argentine police officers have been dismissed for blaming missing drugs on mice.

Investigators discovered 540kg (1,191lb) of marijuana missing from a police warehouse in Pilar, north-west of Buenos Aires.

The city's former police commissioner, Javier Specia, and fellow officers told a judge the drugs were "eaten by mice".

And how many mice would it take to eat over a half-ton of allegedly secured marijuana?  I consulted an expert, and he said...

Specia was put under suspicion after his successor discovered the missing green, as well as " he did not sign the inventory for the impounded drugs when he left his post in April 2017."  Ooops...

And now, picture time, starring a nice warm walk on the 11th...

As you can see, the Diet Coke trees are fruiting early...

After I missed our first ground hog (which Scrappy searches for below) I did get the 10 millionth squirrel of the year...

Revisiting the scene of the Great Groundhog War of 2017...

...when Scrappy had a duel with no less than SIX little varmints!

One crazy in a forest of straight guys... the Chris tree...

Stony Run from the north

...and then the trip back up...

So we got to the ravine, and I said to myself, "That log looks a lot like a deer's butt."  When an ear flicked, I just hoped I could get in good position for a picture before Scrappy accidentally  scared him.  But "him" was a "them", and one of 'em was facing our way, and they all took off...

I got this one off, and while I waited for the camera to reset, Scrappy saw the mass exodus and looked at me like, "Daddy, did you see the deers?"- and I started laughing, missed the second shot, and wish I'd have got Scrappy instead.

We close the trip that day with a bunny...

Unfortunately, Scrappy  gets real worn out anymore on long-ish walks, and the next day, it was sitting out back...

...which Scrappy was not impressed with and made us go back in after only a few minutes...

News story 2:  Maybe it was Mexican mice...

Sugar tax: Are Mexicans the fattest people in the world?

The question came off of a claim made on a British news show...

Claim: Mexicans are the fattest people in the world.

Verdict: Out of the OECD countries, Mexico has the second highest rate of obesity, the United States is first.

Dr Michael Mosley in an interview on the BBC's Today programme, said that people in Mexico are the "fattest in the world".  He was discussing the introduction of a new tax on sugary drinks in the UK. Mexico introduced a similar tax in 2014 to combat its growing obesity problem.

But is it the "fattest"?

One way to find out is by comparing obesity rates around the world - measured by a person's Body Mass Index (BMI). An obese person is defined as someone with a high proportion of body fat and a BMI of over 30.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), made up of 35 major economies, the US is the most obese country, where 38.2% of the population over the age of 15 is obese. Mexico is second with 32.4% of the population and New Zealand is third with 30.7%.

Curiously, everything changes when you make it "adults only"...

The region with the highest rate of obesity among adults is American Samoa, followed by other islands in the South Pacific. Mexico is only 40th and the US is 30th.

No word on mice obesity in the various countries...


  1. Chris:
    ---First story - LOL - Now tell my WHY (once again) how Argentina LOST to the Brits over the Falklands?
    ---The Diet Coke Trees fruiting early...LMAO!
    ---Scrappy v Groundhogs...better action than Spidey v the Green Goblin!
    ---One tree had scoliosis...good percentage.
    ---Right...logs don't have ears that flick...or butts. Good to remember.
    ---And a rabbit to finish the wildlife excursion.
    ---Second story - I think the OCED is a bit on teh OCD side.
    Obviously,. NONE of those who did this study spent ANY time on the SE side of FTW. The section 8'ers have the Mexicans BEAT by a mile (to the next rib joint?).
    And wasn't there a study out there recently that mention how fat people were IN Fort Wayne (Indiana in general)???
    That might have been the STUPID study...I get them confused.
    ---Figured the Island folks would be wider than normal...look at their diets.
    Very good post. Got my jollys for the day right HERE>

    Stay safe (and warm) up there, brother.

    1. Glad you liked! Unfortunately the problem in Argentina isn't so much stupidity as corruption... and more unfortunately, that's not a unique situation.

  2. Mice eat a lot of stuff but I am pretty sure that they wouldn't eat that much pot but then again what do I know, also I am fat and I am not Mexican just saying
