What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Icy pictures

 I'd love to tell you we have a wide variety of colorful pictures to share this week.  

Of course, I can't.

Thursday I was so far ahead I got off early, and as it was the first day in a while that even a "poop walk" risked frostbite, we took advantage...

As you can see, Misty was more than ready!

And it was snowing a bit...

The gravel trails through the woods were nothing but ice.  Amazingly, I only came close to falling once, and Misty is good at slowing down when necessary (if not any other time...)

The trail to the river was well-kept, but as usual the weather turned in SoCal (south of California Road)...

Even the waterfall was froze solid

Remember that fuzzy orange ball that was in someone's yard a couple of weeks ago?  It's now about 2/10ths of a mile away in the canal...

Friday was "Return to the North Pole", but Saturday was at least decent again...

That doggie was pretty

This is me having no luck catching Misty eating snow

People are just sick enough of the cold to get out with us

Even discers

River is ice

Mushroom ridge, from the Big Hill

Another slab, this one off of South Canal- WTH is going on?

Hah!  Caught you that time!

If it's so "Famosa", how come I never heard of it?

Screeching at us the whole way

And Sunday was mainly exercise, little scenic:

Afternoon take-off

Woods is still the Ice Challenge

"At least in the sun, it's warmer..."


  1. If only looking at such photos could cool me down, because its stinking bloody hot here.
