What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Catching up pictures

 As you might have guessed, "the Muse hasn't been around lately", and I guess I'm getting tired of dead grass, snow, and ice.  But I did manage to take some pics in the last couple of weeks, so...

February 21- two Fridays ago...

Dashing thru the snow... ho-hum...

You'd think it might be halfway warm- not so

But enough to start the ice-melting process

"Frozen over?  Don't want nothin' to do with it."

Big animal crossing on South canal...

...but Misty was interested in this one-tracker... probably it was a raccoon

Why does my shadow look like the Michelin Man?

Sunday the 23rd,  we took the north loop...

...I just couldn't shake the blues long enough to take pics... even when we found a nice pair of pants with a nice belt, along with a new-looking checkered shirt, buried in the snow.

Monday the 24th it got warm enough to eliminate most of the snow...

Laurie going to work


Misty getting mad there's no snow to eat...

...Oh, wait

Took this just to figure out what it was.  Still don't know.

Now we leap to this past Friday...

Warm, but windy in the extreme

That's a plastic bag, clocked at 25 MPH

That? No idea

That's new

Still not windy enough to discourage the discers

That will give you an idea of the wind, even in the woods

The one patch of snow left in Allen County

Her ears pinned back by the wind

Doggie ahead

Time to go off roading

Blowing so hard I almost missed the shot

SOMEone had to jump in before we got to the landing

...as well as at the landing

And that brings us to today- last chance for a walk without rain for the next couple of days

Though the clouds might make you wonder about today...

We took the North loop again, just to see if anything new was happening- apparently not

Windy again though, in spots

First time we've been through most of a winter without this lightpole being clobbered twice

However, for the second straight year, they did clobber the fence up by the road

They took the bushhog to the Woodbridge side all the way up

Another new bench.  That outfit was gone, though.

Surprised to hear the Redwings letting loose already

Misty explores the latest section of bank sliding into the river

Me and Scrappy used to cross here all the time- this is Misty's first, though

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