What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What's going on

 So this is the 'work scoop':  After we lost some sewers to enhanced ID issues, they slowed down precipitously.  So did some orders.  Yesterday morning, I told my boss that the other cutter and I had so many carts full of cut fabric in our area, we could clock in, walk over to the bar, and sit there all day, and they wouldn't even know it.  His response was, I was just going to say something about that- you all are so far ahead (I was cutting orders for the 24th), go ahead and take some time off.  I said, just let me finish this set of ten covers, then, and I'll take off.

Just as I finished cover #7 of 10, our internet went down.  I could cut no longer.

And that's how I ended my work week at 11:20 AM Tuesday.

In the meantime, let's have some pictures.

I got this 'ring around the moon' way back in February, but forgot to post it.

Last Friday night...

My son and I breaking in "Bob's Bar"

The next day...

It's a bit brisk, but I needed that today...

Looks like I wasn't the only one to have a rough night...

Mole trail across the Plex entrance

All of Misty's drinking holes frozen, as well as the ravine

Did I ever mention that Old Glory down there is as far away from where this was taken as our entire walk plus change?

Good morning Fort Wayne!

Sign turned yet again...

Monday evening, a balmy 65 F...

Someone ate a bunny, left a foot

It's fortunate there's really nothing to see, since Misty drags me too fast to see anything

Dude renewing his zen on the cricket pad

I believe this is a lawn mower transaxle in the canal

And about an hour or so ago (AKA first thing Wednesday Morning)

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