What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

See her while you can

I was trying to take a picture to show how eager Misty is to take a walk (HINT:  After I hooked her leash to my belt, she chewed on the leash while I put my coat on), but the only one in which she didn't look like a super-speed ghost was this one:

In any event, she wanted to go walking today, so down the trail into the world we went.

Thought I better take this one, I didn't know when we would slow down again!

The first time we ran into Mr Hawk, he took off before we got to the bridge, alighting on the next one down.  This time, he sat still as we walked on past.  Misty watched him take off the first time, but never noticed him this time.

Likes to walk up to the river and sniff around, hasn't went in yet.
Okay, now she's slowing down...

Checking out the ducks and geese

Thought I was going to have her in the water after them for a moment.  As with most of her moments, it was passed before I got the camera up.

At Scrappy's drinking hole.  So far, not impressed.

Mr and Mrs Squirrel were having a LOUD disagreement as we passed by.


  1. SO HAPPY for you, Chris, that you've got another 4-legged friend to run you ragged... Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, but when I saw this post and then went back to the decades post to verify... yahhhy!!! Good for you, mate:)

    There'll obviously never be another Scrappy, but Misty is going to be a lot of fun, too, that seems apparent already.

    PS: Great way to finish up a ten-year post, with the butts of two dogs leading the way... there are many, many worse ways to begin and end a decade!

    1. Ragged? I'll have to post a picture of what she's done to my Summer Pacific sweatshirt...

  2. This did my heart good for you, Chris! It's so good to see you out on the trails again with a furry friend by your side. Misty is a cutey! She looks like a little adventurer! What a wonderful way to start your New Year!


    1. "All the places, all the squirrels", is her motto.

  3. What a nice dog you have! I'm happy for you.

  4. Aww she's a cutie! I love dogs but have not had one in a long time. Enjoy her :)

    1. I think I may have worn her out on this afternoon's walk. Give it ten minutes, lol!
