What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

This week's pictures

 Start off Tuesday night...

Sun going down...

Aha, our friend is back down the road he ain't supposed to go down, doesn't know his way out is blocked by a cop...

Now he does...

"Licence and registration, please..."

"Is that marijuana on your breath, sir?"
Later, with light fading and the camera all but useless, we headed back up the paved trail, only to have Misty pull me off to one side to see three bucks.  The boss hissed and they went into 'scatter mode'.  It was rather funny to watch them try to scatter down the same narrow path!  Still later, Misty nosed up and chased not one, but two toads, within about 20 feet.  The second one made her mad enough, you should have seen the look she shot me when I made her let it go.  Didn't figure she'd like actually biting one...

Let us leave this sad scene for Thursday night...

Trying to catch the yellow skipper mid-left

Misty was keen on shade, not so much on the heat

Not much green to the Green Hole

Friday we were back to mornings...

Thought this was a deer- strike one

And that- strike two.  Eyes weren't good.

Now THAT is a deer!

This is where we saw those deer.  They were trying to "scatter" behind the fence.

Misty HAD to stop and say hello to this gentleman watching the sunrise

Misty's favorite drinking hole is open

Chasing a chipmunk

First puffballs sighted

And that brings us to a disappointing Saturday...

The weatherman would call these skies, "unsettled"...

Time for fall gear.  BOOMER!

It starts to spit

...and then to rain

Abandoned less than a mile covered.


  1. I don't mind walking in light rain if I am headed towards home but heavy rain no thank you not for me this witch might melt in heavy rain

    1. No, no, witches burn in rain... if you melt, you must be sugar like me!

    2. Well I do eat a lot junk food or foods with sugar

  2. And, too soon, it will be all be covered in snow. This makes me sad.

    1. Yup, me too. But I'm hoping that on her Addison's meds, Misty will enjoy the snow again, even if I don't!

  3. We had that sudden temperature change too. Definitely a bummer! Misty sure has a good time on her walks. ☺

    1. Apparently, we liked the drop so much, we get to do it again this weekend...
