What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A lazy world


Today I got the latest e-mail from Sony announcing the end of PlayMemories- the tool I use to download my pictures and fix their unfixables.  As of February 29th (which is a thing this year), I'll have to rely on the cumbersome, annoying, and un-adjustable direct download to the computer.  I bet they could have asked people to pay to use it- I certainly would have.  But no, let's just flush it all down the toilet, because we're LAZY.  In their defense, they DO give you something to click on to download your pics on the site to your computer (which I thought they already were), but... you get to the penultimate step, and you get "The server has timed out" and shuffled off to a PlayStation ad.  Lazy.

So, I don't know if I'll still have MY pictures come March, or how much I'll bother to fight with this 'new system' I'm being forced into.  In the end, I'm lazy too, and learning how to do this (which I tried back when they first announced this day was coming) is a right pain.

I can't fix this with money, i.e. new camera or computer.  The money is just too tight.  Last weekend, in a burst of my own laziness, I speculated on taking today off as my Swiss hockey team, Servette, is playing on TV in a few moments. After I sobered up gave it some thought, I rejected the idea as I need no more reasons to be lazy.  However, because of our "wonderful" economy (Thanks again, Joe), our work is at a point where 6 people of our crew just got laid off, Boss says he's not looking for things to get better till at least March, and the prospect of not having to find me something to do today put a gleam in his eye.  So, I'm getting ready- sorta- to watch my guys get clobbered in the Champions League semis, while in the meantime Laurie takes Misty to an impromptu drs appointment to see if her current symptoms denote a UTI.  It just keeps getting more fun.  Add to that our lovely weather (Currently 5F, or -15 for you in the Celsius world), and today's just a gas.

But, I digress, I was ranting about lazy.  I see another example was Uber has shut down their semi-independent booze-delivery wing, Drizzly.  Not tried to sell it off, do something productive with the assets, just flip the switch.  I'm told in the article that a motivating factor may have been that Drizzly's info got hacked.

Three years ago.  

And no one said a word or did a thing for two of those three years.  Lazy.

About our work, I don't know that this is an example of lazy.  Out of our entire list of Tracker boats for me to cut this week, starting at 10 AM, I had 81% (13 out of 16) cut by the time we left at 2:30.  With pauses for recuts, long talks, and a meeting to explain the layoffs to everyone.  And this sucks, because it gets you in a 'no-pressure' mindset and you begin to drift into 'milk-it' mode.  I don't like 'milk-it' mode anymore.  I'm not real fond of 30-hour weeks, either.  Our boss has tried shifting the heaven/earth axis to get things better.  But it is what it is.

Throwaway workers, throwaway jobs.  Throwaway websites that even a modicum of effort could reap benefits.  What's the answer?  "Well, anyone who WANTS a lay-off, just ask".  Go on the dole, pull money out of my right pocket to fill my left.  Yeah, I'm bitter.  4 years ago, with the "Big Orange Meany" as President, we couldn't get fabric in the building fast enough.  We were proud when 50 hours got enough done we didn't have to work Saturday.  Uncle Joe took 4 years to make it so we are now slower than we've EVER been in 11 years of working this job.  Even Obama didn't fubar things as bad as they are now.  Then you see paid shills come on Twitter saying that the Biden economy is creating so much wealth, so many jobs, and you just want to cry.  That people can be This. Damn. Stupid.


Now, mind you, I'm not a Trump cultist.  But he didn't let touchy-feely woke pie-in-the-sky crap stop us from doing business.   Frankly, at 5F I'm in favor of global warming.  Global warming means I can feel my feet, rich people are buying boats, and gas is back down to where prices can come down.  Upset with that take?  Go complain to Delhi, Djakarata, of Beijing, where the real carbon emissions come from.

I'd better wrap this up before I get any further into politics, which I told myself I wouldn't do here anymore.  Best to just go lazy down on the couch, watch my game, ponder if March WILL be any better, whether I'll still have pictures then, worry what's up with Misty, and growl at my team as they give up another one.


  1. Sounds like you have a bad case of the January blues! You're not alone. This cold spell truly sucks. We're retired now, but I remember those hard struggles when both of us lost our jobs in the same year (1992) and life was in a downward spiral. Took almost a decade to recover, but recover, we did. Hang in there and try to find something that brings you a little joy in the bleakness.

    1. Thanks. It just gets frustrating sometimes.

    2. Yes, and it helps to vent. I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with Misty. Thinking good thoughts...

    3. Well, her electrolytes were good, so it ain't an Addison's thing. Antibiotics for now.

    4. Thanks for the update. Glad it wasn't too bad!

  2. There are so many damn stupid people in the world who get on our nerves and who we wish we could give a good slap or a 2 by 4 to the back of the head, damn that makes me sound aggressive. Oh and talk about lazy I am so damn lazy but I am not going to change.

    1. But you have good reasons to be what you call lazy. I doubt your family would see you that way.

  3. While I am taking a bit of time from work myself, I have been working exceptionally long days. Much different since I changed routes. Hubs is a political junkie, so I won't get too far into it, but I would sure like to see better options than two 80 year old men with long histories of crap. ridiculous that these are the options we have. As for money being tight, I hear ya, though I'm making 30% more, I am far from catching up to where we need to be. Alaskas Cushing disease is costing us fortune. She's worth every penny, but 500 a month for meds is crazy. And this no spellchecker thing is making me crazy! Okay.... end rant. -Juli

    1. I can't match Alaska's bill, but Misty did tack on a UTI trip and antibiotics (thanks for reminding me!) this week...
