What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday for pics

 Mainly because:a) no earth shattering finds to share, and b) the new exercises I have to do for PT about killed my Sunday (slight exaggeration).  Anyhow, here's New Year's Day- which I somehow woke up for...

Tiny bit of snow left from last year

Ducks chillin' in the Swamp

I remember when this was part of a living tree, long ago.  Now it looks (with some imagination) like the ruins of a mountain fortress

"Oh, great, here come those two..."

"I'll pose for a change.  It IS a new year, after all."

"HEY!  Pay attention to ME!"

On the 4th, we saw something we hadn't seen all year...

"...blue sky!"

Somebody went to Sky Zone Trampoline park, somewhere by Glenbrook Mall.

"Man, the moles are awful this year..."

This is that little bitty nest at the end of the branch I tried to get before...

At least three of 'em were yelling at us.  The quiet one posed.

Misty knocks out her 4 times a year tangle #1....

Somebody played toss the log in the creek...

This is Oreo... she don't like people, but she liked Misty

One end is iced

Recent varmintage

The next day was too cold to enjoy our walk, but we did see a moose...

Saturday was icky, and we stayed home and drank Golden Monkeys...

Sunday, like I said, was a total pain-wash, but once again we are on a 4-8's schedule this week (Tell your friends to buy boat covers!), so we got one more in...

I have to put on 'fast-motion' to get Misty when she's rampaging for a walk, and those come out dark

At least the snow's gone- but it will be back tonight, followed by a full day of rain

And here we have idiots cutting up their tree and taking it to the recycle just dumping it

Moles really are out of hand this year

Pond is fully frozen over


  1. Great photos, I have never seen a frozen pond nor have I ever had any experience with moles.

    1. Oddly enough, a long time ago and with no idea how, I caught one in a mouse trap in my bedroom closet once...
