What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, January 29, 2024

Martin update

 I am much better, thank you.  Whatever garbage this round was started letting loose of me Saturday morning, though it took some time to build up any strength.

Good news #1:  I did get an M10 in, just not the post.  So you won't have to put up with a long winded explanation of missing weeks like last year at this time, lol.

Good news #2- we actually had a 10-hour day at work today!  Although the prospects of a 40-hour week are about as thin as Cornstalk Man, every little bit helps.

Why this is quick:  I wasted too much time tonight, in addition to studying for the very hard Hebrews 5 post for next week.  Plus, I am involved in #Healthyfaithchat on Twitter (sue me, Elon!) and I needs must go pay attention.  Hopefully, I'll rattle the cage tomorrow with something nobody really needs to know.


  1. Glad to know you're feeling better and got a full day's pay as well! Onwards and upwards...

  2. Good to hear you are feeling better maybe that is because you gave it to me via brainwaves or the internet.
