All this talk about ending a decade reminds me that December 31st concludes the tenth year of Tilting at Windmills! In honor of which I thought I might do a little something on each year's top post, but ran into two problems- first, Blogger's data seems to play fast and loose with ranking the pageviews, because as I dug into finding top posts for the years that didn't show up on my "all-time top ten" I found a few of them SHOULD have been ranked in that top ten; and second, most of them got inflated by scads of spam. I have learned that a lot of that spam hit before I got smart and enabled moderation; others attracted spam because I accidentally approved (and then deleted) a spam comment. As I have no way to separate them, and Blogger's "don't count spam comments" feature only seems to work if you reactivate it right after you do any reboot and most AV scans, the numbers aren't REALLY accurate; but they are the ones I'm going with, and they give a good cross section of how I and the Blog changed over the years. Without further ado, the Cavalcade of the Years!
2010- "wecanknow"? Try again
4 December 2010
How many of you remember when a group of ministries collectivized as "wecanknow".com claimed that the Rapture of the Church was going to hit on May 21st, 2011? As you might have guessed, either Jesus had a 91/2 year 'blink of an eye', or it didn't happen. Which is what I explained- that no faulty interpretations or Biblical cherry-picking was going to overthrow the fact that in Matt. 24:36 Jesus TOLD us that only the Father knows- or would know. This one ranked 4th on my Blogger list with 610 pageviews, but at least the 2011 winner was higher.
2011- Or was it week 666?
29 July 2011
This was a harmless little Time Machine post- week #66 of volume one. At this point, it was just me, and the features were heavily "this week in 1975"-centric. It included the debuts, songs that were in their 40th, 45th, etc, years since debuting (cutely ended with "Blow out the candles" every week), big movers, the #1 every ten years, and an embryonic 6D that took us from Starbuck's Moonlight Feels Right to Dino, Desi, and Billy. 897 pageviews, which MIGHT have ranked it 3rd had Blogger not skipped it.
2012- Check your references before passing on
20 August 2012
This is the famous "Noah's Ark- Really?" post, in which I took to task both a FB friend who posted a years-old article whose lack of worldwide notoriety had already exposed its falseness (but she never checked the date of the article), and the idea that something made of wood 5,000 years ago had a chance of surviving. The unfortunate thing was that the best comment came from an anonymous source some 16 months later, and I never saw it until 2 years after the original post! It was followed up by a well thought up comment by one Ibrahim Khan, and unfortunately was preceeded by a spam comment from someone claiming to be Leela off Futurama...
It made #2 on the list at 1,650 comments, mostly fueled by letting Leela in. Live and learn!
2013- At least it was the Beauty Contest
25 January 2013
This was the first anniversary of the second incarnation of Time Machine, and included Scrappy's selection of Patty Boyd as the Second winner of the Time Machine Beauty Contest...
...legend says she had the longest french fry! This racked up 535 votes, which would have put it in between 7 and 8 had Blogger counted it...
2014- The Boob Goddess
16 December 2014
This was a Martin World News post that featured Laurie winning another Super Bowl- her second in a row, and the Fiery Beagles, aka Scrappy, were none too thrilled...
...along with the story of the Boob Goddess...
A JAPANESE woman known as the “Boob Goddess” hopes to rake in cash with a modified rake that she claims can firm a woman’s bust and even enlarge it.
Takiko Shindo is known for something called “Oppai Taisou”, which roughly translates into English as boob exercise massage”.
Her latest advancement in the bustling field of bust enhancement is something called the “Oppai Taisou Hand,” that is basically a pink rake for stroking and brushing one’s breasts, according to Rocket News 24.
The rakish product sells online for between $41 and $54. A commercial suggests it can increase a woman’s bust by three centimetres.
The comment section featured guys offering to BE the rake, and ladies wondering why they would WANT one... This chimed in with 426 views.
2015- And a legend is born...
23 December 2015
This was a mix of a holiday M10 update and pictures me and Scrappy took that week. The notable part was the noted-by-Bobby G resemblance of Dent May to myself...
Me "as Dent May" on the next Halloween at Mitchells |
This post rolled up 628 views, placing it 3rd on the incomplete Blogger list.
2016- The post-election aftermath, funny side
14 November 2016
This was a epilogue to a post I did about the several candidates for President on the Indiana ballot, as I had found a site that gave the votes each one got in the general. The star of course in the original post was Detroiter Cherunda Fox, who actually commented on that post, proclaiming that she had already won. Sadly, that didn't translate into her getting a single vote. I also did a perusal of some of the 1,780 candidates that filed...
...including perennial candidate Mickey Mouse, former Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clinton, along with the possible Jorge Bush; foreign leaders Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, and of course Jesus Christ. They were joined by a plethora of odd names such as "Touchy the Serial Killer Uncle Clown", "Dog Eating Maniacal Fish Brained Ugly Commandant Be Electe Moose Look-alike Fool That Will", "Coffee and Donuts" (not sure if that is one name or a Prez/VP ticket), and several others that were too crude or too stupid to bother with, including several variations of "Deez Nutz". A handful of dogs and cats filed as well.
That placed 7th on the Blogger list with 544 PVs...
2017- I shoulda known better
31 July 2017
This was a "Pictures and Spam" post, in which I did my usual skewering of spam comments I had received of late. The problem came in when I decided to post a spam comment that ironically landed there... which meant that a ton of spam comments would follow! They pushed the post to 478 PVs, good for 7th on the list. The top of the spam was a comment in Polish that informed me that "building a golf course was only half the battle..."
2018- And now, the Wednesday Bible Study
4 April 2018
WBS has been one of the best things I have done on here, both from the "my learning" and the fun standpoints! This particular one was in the 3:16s series, in Joshua, about how the Hebrews crossed the Jordan into Canaan at the same point that John baptized Jesus all those years later! Not sure the reasoning for the views, but it was the lowest set on the list- just 177.
2019- The best for last
11 March 2019
And this was the A Couple Quick Announcements post- one that, unfortunately, I accidentally approved a spam comment for a brief moment, and thus came the majority of the top-ranked 1,967 PVs. The second of those announcements was the best of the year- where I finally got to announce the upcoming of Grayson "Wiggles" Martin, aka grandson #2.
The best legend about this came much later- only Grandma on Mom's side knew about it, as the kids wanted the gender to be a surprise. Let's just say there was a "feet first" angle that left NO doubt he was indeed a boy.
So the next ten years will be bespeckled with the adventures of Peanut, Wiggles, and Misty. Until then,