What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, June 24, 2019

Picture post!

From Saturday and Monday walks...

Wild strawberries comin' in

Juicy level: A.  Flavor level: D.

Raspberries too!  Much better!

Geese at the Swamp.  Needless to say, the frogs were staying indoors...

Guarding the bridge, singing his little heart out.

Just standing there, holding his hands together.  I think he was waiting on the bus.

"All by my- sellllllf...."

Now here I have to share the story of sitting outside Saturday morning.  I had just filled the bird feeder, and threw some down for the chips and the lazy birds.  Two of them came up:  Chip, above, a regular who lives in the shed, and "Red"- bigger, bushier tail, and redder on the gluteus.  They kept chasing each other off, but after I went in to get something and Red almost followed me in (not intentionally, I believe), Chip had the show to himself.

At a certain point, I went in and got a sandwich and a bag of chips.  Chip was fine with me just sitting there, or talking to him- but eating he didn't know what to make of.  So he climbed up the middle post of the fence.  And STARED at me.  Just like that for a good 3-4 minutes, until he decided my food didn't affect him, and back down to eat he came.

And really, it wasn't so much eating as stuffing his pouches as full as they go, and then dumping it- somewhere- and returning for more.

Later Saturday the kids came over and we had a great time playing catch and basketball and being chased around by Peanut and his vicious brand new shark flip-flops...

Today was a bit gloomier, but still I went...

Remember the pic of Scrappy looking into the hollow log?  The log has hit hard times, too...

Black squirrel

Finally snapped a froggie, first this year


  1. Chris:
    You're so lucky to have so much flora and fauna nearby your place.
    Seems a more mixed bag of flowers than I;ve seen before.
    Geese in the swamp. I'll be the frose frong were not around.
    That's one BIG turtle,. too.
    The chipmunk story if great. That little bugger is cute and you got some great pics of him.
    Peanut is getting might taller, too. (Dunno about the flip-flops, though. Not the best footwear, imho)
    That hollow log just collapsed!
    Ahh, there's the frog (and no geese).
    Shame that can had to show up. Litter is just wrong.
    Anyway, great walkabouts (did you take a geek along? LOL)

    Stay safe up there, brother

  2. Hi Chris. I don't know why, but, well, I was drawn to this post today. I saw it listed in the side bar and here I am. I have to say, I'm grateful. There is a bit of a lump in my throat as I scrolled the photos. I miss Scrappy. Silly, huh? Anyway, so glad you got to see the Peanut!!


    1. I can count the walks that I've made since Scrappy without crying on one hand...
