What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A to Z Mashup a day early, part two

Read the first half here, if you would.  It explains why my lazy butt does the annual challenge this way, and gives you the A through M part of this picture post through time.  It also gives the official A to Z challenge insignia for this year, which I obviously didn't title on my gallery and forgot where it's at, so I didn't post it this time. (again, lazy butt!)  But here are plenty of shots to make up for it...

N-  "Now, I know where the squirrel disappears to!" (2-8-20)

Honest to Bob first time she figured it out...

O- Well that's an Odd looking animal... (5-22-19)

"I assume you mean the dolphin on the hat..."
P: Scrappy's Playdog spread... (2-1-14)

"And this is just the cover shot..."

Q- "Quick, I'll knock at the front, and when it comes out the side, grab it!" 4-10-15)

R- Rabbit Babies... (4-27-13)

S- The Spot (3-30-13)

Me and Scrappy's special hidden spot.  I won't be back...

T- The Turtle Bar (4-12-16)

"Didn't you see the sign? NO CREDIT!"

U- "I warned you about Using the bathroom over here.  No privacy!" (4-16-17)

V- Viewing the dam at the Spot (4-18-17)

"Yeah... whatsay we get outta here?  Looks like it's about to go..."
W- Scrappy's favorite Watering Hole... (4-8-15)

"Last stop before home", as it used to say at the Third Base Tavern...

X- eXamining for critters (4-16-16)

Never, ever passed that log by... never found nothing.

Y- "You go out there and fall in.  I'm done falling in the river!" (4-22-13)

Frankly, I'm amazed I did it, let alone him!

Z- It's like a Zoo up in here... (5-26-19)

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did putting it together!


  1. This was funny and made me laugh and feel good

  2. Adventures from N to Z, done very well. Wish we could tromp around with you and Scrappy.

    1. Well, you can tromp around with me n Misty when it gets warmer and this dumb camera works...

  3. Well that completes your A to Z for 2020. I wish I could say the same for mine. I'm mostly taking my posts day by day.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
