What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Doggie getting back in shape...


Although you might not think so with all the vultures...

Crows keeping it cool below

Misty checks out the Green Hole.  Not having the desire to sniff Ground Hog holes, she's not as thrilled as Scrappy would've been.

An attempt at the "bird in flight" thing, but he short-hopped me

Meanwhile, a 'wigwam' down at Scrappy's Landing

The old trail to SL gets a little rougher every year...

Something you don't see every day- a sculling boat?

Meanwhile, at the Duck Bar... no action

Here's some views of the way back home

Here, you'll see why I say we live in "The Bowl"...

Drops way down from here on in- really changes the climate

And here, not far from home, Misty hits the wall- harder than I've ever seen her hit it.  Takes a while to get to 100%