What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, April 19, 2021

What order will these spring pictures come in?

 I never know anymore, and I don't know if it's Blogger or Firefox or this dumb computer, but here we go...

Hey, I think they may be in order!

Here's the recently death's-door doggie proclaiming her readiness to drag me around once again...

Mr Squirrel says, "Good, maybe I can eat bird food in peace!"  He was chased up a tree hours later...


See, I never knew that you 'grew' beer bottles...

Big Guy in green

Lotsa Dutchmen's Britches in the wood...

If you could follow the arrow on the back of Misty's head, there'd be a man and a dog at the other end...

Yep, that's a PFW cop car where there are "no motorized vehicles allowed"

Caught a Blue Jay on the fly....

So much for Sunday, now to Monday...

There's a batch of daffodils that always pops up in this spot.  The doggie photobomb is a new thing.

Finally seeing some Jacks here and there...


  1. I love her arrow. I need to snap some pics along our walks, everything seems to be coming to life now.
