What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, December 8, 2023

M10 show week #98


We have a very special M10 show this week- no Elvis for two straight weeks! (JK, bud, we love ya!)  No, Elvis is nearly 90% complete on his Christmas Party lineup, and this week, since it was a rare week she was home as I started this, you get to enjoy this week's guest host- Laurie!

(Disclaimer:  All dialogue from Laurie may be edited, cut short, twisted around, or not quite factual)

L: Um, should I say something here?

Not necessarily... But chip in whenever you feel like!  She's gonna be starring in a version of our wonderful 1972 feature.  But first, I have two new debuts that she hasn't heard yet- the first from an act boasting two M10 #1s!  At number ten, here's Real Estate...


L: Really good!  I like that! 

Yeah, I think we have a couple of bangers (in the sense of they will be banging up my chart) coming on this week!  So anyway, here's what I decided to do this week, with Laurie- We went to the chart for this week in 1972, and we EACH picked 10 songs we wouldn't turn off- and the winners are the ones we matched on!  Before we get there, though, I should start with this week's #1s.  Canada has the one song that topped all three of our national charts- USA, Canada, and Australia- a song that sat at #5 on Cashbox this week, Lobo with I'd Love You To Want Me.  Australia was topped by Michael Jackson's Ben, which hit 2 in the US several weeks back, and 6 in Canada.  Our Cashbox chart was topped by the Temptations and Papa Was A Rolling Stone, a song that crapped out at #69 in Australia, and at #12 in Canada.

Now, about those four songs that we matched on...

The highest charter was at #7 this week, and would peak at 6 here and in Canada and 16 in Australia- and a cover of which has been #1 on the M10 the last several weeks- Seals and Crofts with the original Summer Breeze.

Laurie, you want to do the next one?

No.  You can go ahead, I'll just watch.

But no one can hear you watching...

I'm sorry.  Hi, I'm watching!

Sigh.  Okay, so the second song we matched on was #9 on CB this week, headed for a peak of 2 here and in Canada and 12 in Australia, Albert Hammond (Senior) and It Never Rains In Southern California.

Our third match was peaking this week on CB at #14; it would make 11 in Canada- but somehow never made it to Australia... Jim Croce and Operator (That's Not The Way It Feels), a song that deserved better across the board!

Our final match was only at 52 on this week's CB, but would be top ten in all three countries- 3 here, 1 in Canada, and 6 in Australia.  Laurie, could you at least give out the name of this last one?

I guess so... the song is Garden Party!


I don't know, you know I don't keep up with...

...on the bottom of the card...

....oh, I see it now.  By "Rick Nelson and the Stone Canyon Band."  Is that the right one?

Yes, ma'am, nicely done.  Now the second of today's debuts at #9, here once again is Juliana Hatfield covering ELO....


I love how she uses her own voice to cover where the cellos would be in the second verse...

I just thought it was good.  Can we play my best song I wouldn't turn off?

If you'll read off the rest of the M10 this week...

Okay, let me have the list...

8- Saint Asonia stays at 8 with Wolf...
7- Cafun... cafu... how do you pronounce this?
Haven't a clue, but you're actually typing the show so it doesn't matter.

Oh, yeah.  Cafune holds at 7 with Shadowboxing.

6- Juliana Hatfield drops from 3 with Can't Get It Out Of My Head...
5- Oh, wow!  Summer Breeze by Dark Side Of Light drops from the top!
4- Frankie Cosmos and Abigail is up one...
3- Lilly and Madeline are at 3 with Windowless Bedroom...
2- Always moves up...



Alvvays, with two v's...

How do you pronounce it, then?


Always up 2 with Tile By Tile...

And a new number one....

a-ha unplugged with Take On Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done!

So we can play my top song I wouldn't turn off?

Yep.  Laurie's top song she wouldn't turn off is the definition of a 'dark horse', so to speak.  It would peak at 14 in a couple of weeks here, 12 in Canada, and 23 in Australia.  Here are the Osmonds....


  1. Nice to see your lovely wife on site today. Hi Laurie! 👋 Real Estate has a cool 60s vibe, and Juliana Hatfield was good too. Crazy Horses is one of the few Osmonds songs I like. Who knew they could actually rock out? 🤘 Too bad about Summer Breeze!

    1. Laurie says, "Thanks!" (As well as, "At least you found a good picture!") Real Estate is looking at a possible 3rd #1 here- the last one is one of those 3 songs that have held the top for more than 4 weeks, as Summer Breeze just did. I KNEW that Laurie would top out with Crazy Horses- but she did surprise me with some of her choices and non-choices.

  2. I do like the song A Garden Party but I like many songs as music calms my soul.

    1. You'd have enjoyed watching me going from calm to crying playing songs last night...
