What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Pictures, such as they are

 This was not a good walking week, as you might have gathered from my post last night.  But here we go...

Monday night...

Cold and gray

Some signs of Christmas spirit

Boredom in the gloamin'

Then we have three days of back pain, and we shoot ahead to Friday...

Dark and early

Already doggies coming in both directions

First time we beat the sun up in a while

Geese rule the morning river

This dude was taking pictures in the swamp...

...of this guy

The thing I hate about fall/winter, part 234: Lack of leaves opens everything up and makes it seem smaller

I think we have a mini homeless camp outside the woods.

Another tent, with campfire, back there.  Trust me, it's green
Then, after my PT, a second walk...

Much brighter, and warmer

Beaver damage

Windy day on the river

Doesn't phase 'happy water dog'

She used to be scared with waves hitting the shore...

Ducks blowing across the pond


Once we got home, Mommy had the Christmas village up...

I got some night pics when Laurie added runners "that respond to music" (by ignoring it)...

And with it being 35 and windy all day Sunday, that about covers it...


  1. How awful that you had to endure a sore back on top of everything else! Love the closeup shot of Misty. ☺ And the light runners over the Christmas village look cool. Too bad the music function didn't work, though. That would be something to see!

    1. I loved that shot, too! So spur of the moment, I was astounded it came out so well!

    2. Great photos, well the ones that would load for me were and the close up of Misty was one those she does look good.

  2. Nice pix! I think that's a heron in the tree, and I like the pictures of the doggie walk.

    Sorry to hear about your back.

    1. Points to you, we get a lot of blue herons around the river.
