What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Odds and ends

 Just feel like doing an update about the state of the state of Martin.

Today is Saturday, and Misty and I didn't walk because we took two yesterday and are both kind of burnt.  She's currently mad at me because it's time for her muscle supplement treat and we're out.  I was sure I had it set up for autoship on Chewy, but apparently Chewy did not.  Should have them back tomorrow.   She settled down somewhat after I told her Daddy was a failure.

On my second day of "baby exercises" after my first PT appointment.  My left shoulder has given me fits for about six months, so I have 8 weeks of upcoming PT appointments.  A reasonable $15 co-pay.  Almost was worse- in yet another thing I thought was done but apparently was not, I got a call from corporate HR yesterday saying did I really mean to drop my insurance.  I did everything the way Erin told me to, but apparently Pay.Com disagreed.  I believe next year I will be CALLING HR rather than trusting their unreliable, confusing, 'employee self-serve' site.

My son KC is back at his old job- with a raise- but stuck for the moment at 3rd shift as he lost his seniority.  As for MY job, we are on short hours- haven't had a full 40 in a while.  Our boss is trying to get January orders released, but corporate is heel dragging.  I wonder if it isn't pettiness.  See, we are a three plant company, the corporate office in Wisconsin.  But the big fish that owns our company shut down the plant in Wisconsin as of this month, with many office people forced onto remote work.  And sometimes I wonder if the remote staff aren't a bit miffed that we (the most efficient plant right now) survived and they didn't.  Picking up our share of their workload has kept us from being even worse off, but still not good.  That Joe Biden economy building back better, I suppose.

Speaking of my boss, he and his wife just had a spanking new baby girl.  Already worried about the 'late in life' pregnancy, his worry was compounded by a) the fact that his wife got COVID, and apparently that crap likes to attack the placenta- and that caused a preemie c-section; and b) a skill-challenged tech did the last ultrasound and thought her legs looked small.  But little Keely was a perfect 6 lb 12 oz girl with no problems.

The usual Christmas village is up, thanks to Laurie- if you haven't seen the pics and video on FB, I post one with the walk pics tomorrow sometime.  I have a couple of gifts for Laurie already in, as well as for KC, but beyond that I am done, because of the job stuff above, and am letting Laurie bit and piece the rest.  I haven't even taken the time to slap together the vacation requests I need for Christmas week, since like Thanksgiving week, our Big Fish decreed company wide shutdown.  At least we get the holidays paid, and CAN use vacation- salary were told no vacay those weeks since they wanted a 'zero-payroll' week those weeks.

Add to that my back decided to pop out when I arrived at work Tuesday, which I endured for three hours before going home and missed Wednesday entirely.  Combine that with virtually running out of work halfway through Thursday, and I slapped together a 21 hour week.  After a 35 hour last week.  At times like these, I am glad I started the discipline of tithing, because I know the Lord will provide in one way or another.

But I am reminded, while I tongue in cheek complain here, Tennessee is currently going through a day-long parade of tornadoes and severe weather.  Life could be a lot worse, and I know it.  Like I said, God will provide.

That's it for now, time to go cause some pain to  exercise my bum shoulder.  Till tomorrow...


  1. How frustrating is it when a company stuffs up, I recently bought something online and even though I know I typed in the right address the website dropped the 1 from 12 and I had to fix it again thought it was all good but no the order went to unit 2 not unit 12 and the cow,, I mean woman in unit 2 will not answer her door when Tim and Tasha both went to ask about the package, I am still waiting to hear back from the couriers bloody frustrating is what it is.

    Ultrasounds are a great invention but sometime the person doing the scan doesn't full understand what they are seeing as they may not have the experience to do so.

    1. I know what you mean about stuffing up deliveries. I tried twice to get prescriptions sent here from Walgreens on the corner and both times their system ignored me.

  2. Sounds like you're having a rough time right now! I hope your shoulder will get better soon and that the job situation improves as well. It's true, and especially obvious at this time of year, that many people are worse off. I'm thinking of people in war-torn areas and also the refugees who have fled. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, despite everything! 🎄

    1. I guess the problem was I had to blow off some of the steam I've been trying to eat lately. I'm far from the only one I know having problems right now, and I hope it comes through that I trust God to carry us through. Merry Christmas to you, as well!
