What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday Bible Study: Taking a break from Proverbs with Peter

This week I want to veer off for a bit because while learning is good, application is the thing, and I found myself in need of applying something after listening to a lesson on the Apostles- particularly Peter, and that he was the leader of the band basically because he gave us the most to learn from.  Typically, I get energized by learning something and then regurgitate it here, and fail to do a strong enough application to my own life.  So today it's gonna be: What Peter messed up and what I need to learn from it.  I found 12 main things, and my grade was a bit mixed on them.

1- Bring it first to Jesus

Mat 17:24  When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, "Does your teacher not pay the tax?" 

Mat 17:25  He said, "Yes." And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?" 

Peter was what you would call a 'shoot-from-the-hip' type, wired to speak first and think after.  I have to say my usual grade on this is a D+, but at least in this one case, I sat myself down and asked the question, "What do I need to learn from Peter?" first.

2- Trust in Jesus, not your own failures

Luk 5:4  And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 
Luk 5:5  And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." 
Luk 5:6  And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. 

"I tried that!" is never a good excuse to give to God.  In fact, anything that starts with "I" is something that I need to back up and pray about.  I think this is where Satan gets us most, and while I'm getting better with my "I's", the second half I struggle at.  C-.

3- Stop going back to the 'old ways'

Joh 21:2  Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together. 
Joh 21:3  Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. 

We all have these defenses- against pain, grief, even (and maybe especially) boredom.  Not all of them are beneficial, some are harmful.  I have to recognize when the old way metastasizes and I must move on.  C-.

4- Shut up and Listen

Mat 17:4  And Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah." 
Mat 17:5  He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." 

Now this one I believe Jesus is gaining on me with.  Of course, it usually takes about 15 minutes of 'pitching tents' first, but...  B-

5- Be awake in prayer

Mat 26:37  And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 
Mat 26:38  Then he said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me." 
Mat 26:39  And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." 
Mat 26:40  And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, "So, could you not watch with me one hour? 

Over and over lately, I am being told one truth I hit every day- Prayer is hard work!  Everything possible in your mind will be dumped into the way when you need it to clear out so you can focus on talking to Jesus most.  Any kind of distraction, any loop of song that comes up when I wake and says, "You will now hear me for the next hour."  D+.

6- Don't talk a good game

Mat 26:31  Then Jesus said to them, "You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' 
Mat 26:32  But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee." 
Mat 26:33  Peter answered him, "Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away." 
Mat 26:34  Jesus said to him, "Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times." 
Mat 26:35  Peter said to him, "Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!" And all the disciples said the same. 

I get so tired of the "works/faith" debate on the Catholic channels, because both sides don't get it.  Faith is the start; works needs to be the result.  "Look at me, I'm working!" doesn't mean faith anymore than, "I've been saved, praise the Lord!" shows works.  I have two reasons I do these posts: To grind it into my own stupid head, and to share it with you that read.  B-.

7- Forgive as you have been forgiven

Mat 18:21  Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" 

If you start from the basis of where YOU are, forgiveness is easier.  We get thorns in the flesh, as Paul did, so that we are saying, "Oh wretched man that I am!" as he did, and go to Christ for our forgiveness first.  B.

8- Put your mind on God's agenda

Mat 16:21  From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 
Mat 16:22  And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, "Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you." 
Mat 16:23  But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." 

Grief really batters this one.  Too easy to focus on the loss rather than the reward.  I keep having to remind myself that the Prodigal's Father is running towards me with open arms.  C.

9-  Keep your eyes on Jesus when it gets rough

Mat 14:28  And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." 
Mat 14:29  He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 
Mat 14:30  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." 
Mat 14:31  Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" 

I have grown a little bit in this category, mainly because of all the waves that have come our way this year.  I've had a lot of practice, and I am a lot better at the whole, "God, why did you let this happen?" thing.  And if it weren't for accepting that I was to learn from Scrappy's suffering, it wouldn't have happened.  B-.

10- Follow the example

Joh 13:6  He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, do you wash my feet?" 
Joh 13:7  Jesus answered him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand." 
Joh 13:8  Peter said to him, "You shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no share with me." 

Humility is the key to everything I am learning this year.  But it becomes an issue in ways and directions you'd never believe.  It's like you need 360 degree spiritual vision to even make a dent in it.  And we Martins are ill-wired for humility.  D+.

11- Don't worry about the 'other guy'

Joh 21:20  Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who had been reclining at table close to him and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?" 
Joh 21:21  When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" 
Joh 21:22  Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!" 

We had a semi-discussion about this a few weeks back.  The way to judge whether you're on the right track is look ahead at the leader, and not beside and behind at someone else.  God will encourage in specifics; Satan will criticize in generalities.  B+.

12- And right back where we started from- application

Mat 15:12  Then the disciples came and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?" 
Mat 15:13  He answered, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 
Mat 15:14  Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit." 
Mat 15:15  But Peter said to him, "Explain the parable to us." 
Mat 15:16  And he said, "Are you also still without understanding? 

Today, with this post, I get an A.  Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Martin World News

Well, once again, I've talked myself out of a rant that was going to take on why I might vote for a seemingly unprepared candidate for Mayor, and tie it into the stupidity experienced when discussing politics with someone whose only interest is talking points about their position.  But I finally decided that doing that was talking music to the deaf, and instead, let's find the dumbest story on our usual front pages.

1- Fox News- not sure this was covered in, "because it was there"

Headline: "UK man dies after getting stuck on top of 290-foot smokestack, police say"

Dude was spotted hanging upside down at the top of the stack's ladder around 2 in the morning, and despite using choppers, drones, and cherry pickers, they managed to bumble and bungle until his now-deceased body closing on 5 in the afternoon.  "The rescue effort was described as “highly complex,” police said."  I notice no mention of "skilled climbers were sent up the ladder to try and assist", for some reason (even though "Specialist firefighters trained to work at extreme heights" were deployed, apparently only to ride the cherry picker.).  "It was unclear how or why the man reached the top. The chimney appears to have a ladder running up its side."  I'm glad the article mentioned that, or else I'd be asking why the guy didn't just use his jet pack to get down...

Police have launched an investigation into how and why the man climbed the chimney."

2- BBC News- Now Trump should have given THAT to Nancy Pelosi

Headline: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: IS leader's underwear 'stolen' for DNA test"

So for all of you wanting to know what dynamic contribution the Kurds made to the finish of that "austere religious scholar", we now know:  Their spy stole his underwear, so that they could prove by DNA that we was indeed al-Baghdadi.  Senior DNA analyst Melvin Lintpicker said, "It's either him, or an anthropomorphic sheep."

(Note to the Divine Zook and Adam Schiff:  THAT was parody.)

3- Deutsche Welle (Germany)- The buffet in the casket was the first clue

Headline: "'Hash cakes' served in error at German funeral"

Okay, this one takes a little bit of doing.  In Germany, it is customary (says the story) to adjourn after burial of your loved ones for cake and coffee at a nearby restaurant.  The restaurant in question has an employee who is in charge of baking these cakes.  She for whatever reason asked her daughter to make the cakes, which she did.  However, she failed to inform mama that one cake was "special", and not intended for the funeral.  Not knowing any better, mama took ALL the cakes to the restaurant, where apparently several of the mourners didn't quite enjoy it as much as the daughter would have.  Of course, now the daughter is enjoying, "13 charges of negligence and bodily injury as well as disturbing a funeral and violating Germany's narcotics law.".

I hope I can get her to do mine...

4- Moscow Times- It might have been all those 1-900 numbers...

Headline: "Russian Eagle Racks Up Hefty Phone Bills With Iran Flights"

And these guys are scientists, right?  They have a tracker that they put on eagles they study that relays their whereabouts by SMS texts.  Usually they have a good idea where the birds will go and budget accordingly.  Well, this one flew into Kazakhstan, where there is NO signal.  It spent the summer there, then flew into Iran- where not only IS there a signal, but the price per message is 26X higher!  Thus, what might have cost a few hundred rubles became a few thousand, and just like that, the budget flew away.

Monday, October 28, 2019

On the home front

So I thought I might take the time to update the personal life around these here parts, since it's been a while.

The elephant in the room:  Laurie is having a hysterectomy Friday.  Today we learned a lot about what is going on and what is to come.  A lot of good prognoses, some scary stuff.  One thing that burst the bubble of someone who heard "outpatient" and rejoiced is that they STILL want her off work for possibly 4 weeks.  Plus they gave her a bag of soaps, shakes, and other such stuff that came near to putting ME in the hospital!  I know most of you know most of this, and we both appreciate the prayer time you have invested.  Believe me, it's coming back to you.

The other elephant: somewhat as a result, no new doggie as yet.  But God has graced us with two wonderfully fun grandkids (see above), and that helps mitigate things to a point.  But Laurie learned Saturday night that it only takes a couple of seconds doing something me and Scrappy used to do together to bust out the tears.  Doesn't help that everytime I pass Purdue Fort Wayne's oh-so-necessary disc golf course, AKA 'our' woods, I feel like I'm watching a bunch of monsters destroying all our memories.  But hey, have fun, don't mind me.

Speaking of grandkids:  Peanut is getting more and more intelligible words mixed in with the usual jibber jabber everytime I see him.  And, I hear tell, he's starting to get the connection between telling Mommy and Daddy 'no' and "ka-BOOM!"  And so much fun to wrestle with!  It used to be our game with the legos was, "Gampaw builds, Peanut scatters", but now he's building his own stuff.  Saturday he made one that I said looked like two doggies sniffing each other's butts.

I'm going to have to shift nicknames on Grayson from "pistachio" to "Smiley", because I've never seen such a smiley baby.  That or "wiggles", since that's the other thing he's good at.  You wouldn't think you could have so much fun just holding something that can't do more than make googly eyes at you, but there it is.

I know I haven't talked about work in a while, and I won't do so now.  Other than that the hole we fell into when all our customers decided to build themselves into a glut is one our company doesn't anticipate them digging out of till this time next year. 5 million companies in the USA, and enough brains to run about 2.5 million.

I have a Wednesday study coming up soon that has set me on a new tack- it found 12 things that we learned from Peter because he did them wrong at one point- and I've got them posted at work to remind me to do them right.  That will actually come up this Wednesday.

Which reminds me:  The Facebook battle.  The blog being posted there is still in limbo until the Divine Zook looks down from his cloud and tells me why he thinks this blog is spam.  In the meantime, those of you who follow us on FB found out we have went from "LaurieEasterdayChrisMartin" to Christopher W Martin, because some idiot left wing troll thought he could get revenge on me (for telling him his mama was coming downstairs to check on his well-being) by turning our two-name blog in because the Zook wants us all divorced.  I kinda got forced into putting my own name, but in 60 days when I can change it again by fiat of the Divine Zook, well... let's just say I'm entertaining ideas for the new name.

So now, I need to read the file with Laurie's list of instructions, so's I know when to let her go and when to hit her with the tranq dart.  Keep us in the prayers, and I'll keep you updated.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Time Machine co-ordinates VICXVI595102568

Today, we land in October 25th, 1968- just in time for the very first concert by what had been the New Yardbirds- now for the first time, Led Zeppelin.  " It was at Surrey University in Guilford. There was a huge banner outside that read: 'Tonight! The Ex-Yardbirds'. Underneath in smaller lettering, it said 'Led Zeppelin'. "- from Reg Jones's book Way Of Life.  The setlist is not QUITE remembered, but "(the band's website) believe that five songs from their not-yet released debut -- 'Communication Breakdown,' 'I Can't Quit You Baby,' 'You Shook Me,' 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You' and 'How Many More Times' -- were played. Also probably performed were some Yardbirds cuts, like 'Train Kept a Rollin',' 'Dazed and Confused' and 'White Summer' (and maybe 'For Your Love') and a cover of Garnet Mimms' 'As Long As I Have You.'"- Ultimate Classic Rock.

Again, thanks to UCR.


This week I have three debuts PLUS something special, PLUS something else special, PLUS a special stand-in for the POTM!  So rather than talking about it, let's get to it!


One site I follow on Twitter is Best Classic Bands, and they fed me a story I just have to horn in here, even if it makes things a bit video-heavy for the week.  And with the Led Zep story above, it's just too perfect of timing.  Once upon a time in 1977, a band nobody knew called Little Roger and the Goosebumps put a bit of a twist on a cover they were doing- they took the music of Led Zep's classic Stairway To Heaven- and the words to the theme of Gilligan's Island!  Somehow, this mashup got recorded, and in March of '78 was released on a local San Francisco station.  Within a month, it had spread like wildfire, hitting the east coast- where lawyers for Led Zep's record company heard it, and decided the credits they put on the label weren't good enough.  So they got the lawyers for GI creator Sherwood Schwartz in on it and filed a cease and desist, threatened every station playing it, and tried to destroy every single copy of the tune.

And failed.

Years later, another record outlet put it on their 'best of' disc, and it got onto YouTube as well.  So here, if you dare, is that record- Stairway to Gilligan's Island:


And in honor of this 'momentous occasion, Bobbie Gentry has graciously consented to step aside and let the crew and passengers of the SS Minnow do this week's Panel!  C'mon in, gang!

Hello, everybody, and it's a real honor to have you here!

Skipper:  It's an honor to be here... say, where ARE we?

Well, that's a little problematic, but what's going on is, I have this list of songs that were #1 on radio stations around the world in 1968...

Gilligan:  But wait, isn't it 1966?

Yes, but this is a Time Machine, so it's okay...

Professor:  Impossible!  Why do you have any idea of the disparate technologies, the years of study...

Yeah, but I borrowed it, so that's covered too.  Anyway, all you all have to do is read the three lists...

Maryann:  Ooh, sounds like fun!

Ginger:  And I would be perfect to do it!  Directors tell me I have a purrrfect voice...

You all get a turn.  So what I like to do is start off with the songs that got just one vote- we call them one-vote-wonders...

Gilligan:  How many songs are there?

SK:  Gilligan, that's a stupid question...

No, not really.  18 contesting songs from 80 stations this week.

Mr Howell:  Is there anything by Glen Miller on there?  I do love Moonlight Serenade...

Sorry Mr H, no Glen Miller.  Mostly rock and roll...  Here's the list, who wants to start?

(Castaways all shout me at once, Skipper and Gilligan try to grab the paper, it rips in two.  Skipper shouts at Gilligan, others grumble...)

No worries, guys.  While I tape the list and hand it to ONE person, let's enjoy the first of three M10 debuts.  John 'Bo Duke' Schneider just released a gospel lp called Recycling Grace, and the first M10 single debuts at #10...


MA:  Wow, I really liked that!  I bet he was cute when he was... well, back when WE came from...

When you came from, he was a 6-year old... Anyway, Mrs Howell, would you do the honors?

Mrs H:  Certainly, let me get my spectacles... oh, this handwriting is simply atrocious!

I've heard that...

Mrs H:  The one vote wonders start with: er, Sookie Sookie by... Steppenwolf?  This says it was the b-side to Magic Carpet Ride, whatever that means.
Then we have The Tymes with People, a Barbra Streisand cover...

Mr H:  I believe she was at that garden party that the Eleanor Phillipses had in '1963...

Mrs H: Hmmm... this says it won't debut on the, er, Cashbox Hot 100, until November.

Next is Derek... Derek who?

Just Derek, ma'am...

Mrs H:  And his song is called Cinnamon, and it is at #86... Thurston, you do these next.

Mr H:  Very well, Lovey, let me see... egad, this IS bad penmanship!  The next song is Diana Ross and the Supremes...

Gilligan/Maryann:  I LOVE THEM!

Mr H:  ...and their song is called, Love Child, at #52.
Following that is a South African singer by the name of Cornelia with Picking Up Pebbles.  Here, Captain, you do the next.

Sk:  Thank you, Mr Howell, but I'll admit I don't listen to much music, ha ha!

Gil: What about when we go down to Salty Jacks and you start singing after you've had a few...

SK:  Never mind, that, Gilligan!  So the next song is The Royal Guardsmen and Baby Let's Wait... hey, this says it doesn't debut until next February- that would be February of '69 right?


Sk: So how does it get on a chart in... what it this, October?

Prof:  I would estimate that the geosynchronous nature of sound as it travels through chronal disruptions, combined with...

ACTually, Professor, we just call it, 'didn't get the memo', and leave the science for later.

Prof: Hmmm...

Sk:  Thank you, Professor (sideways scowl).  Then we have Credance Clearwater Revival and Susie Q at #10- that's the end of this list...

Okay, so we'll be back right after we play the next M10 debut at #9- more new stuff from Saint Asonia:


Mrs H:  That was a bit noisy, don't you think?

Mr H:  Beastly, Lovey, beastly!

Mrs H:  Oh Thurston, that was a witty one, wasn't it?

Okay, so now we go to the "also receiving votes" list- everybody who didn't make our four song final:  Skipper, you had one more turn?

Sk: Aye aye, Doctor!  Ha Ha, with two votes we have Gary Puckett and the Union Gap with Over You at #7.  How about you, Ginger?

Gin:  Thank you, Skipper... with three votes we have The Beatles...

Gil/MA: We LOVE them!

Gin:... Me too, especially that adorable Paul McCartney...

Shhh, we don't wanna get Elvis started...

Gin: Their song is Revolution at #17.  Then we have Cream with White Room at #14...
...and the Grass Roots with Midnight Confessions at #8.  Maryann?

MA:  Ooh, thanks, Ginger!  Let's see... I have Johnny Nash with Hold Me Tight at #29...
Oh, here's that Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf at #42...
...aw, and that's it!

Just the final four to go!  Why don't you do one of them, and pass it to Gilligan for the rest?

Prof: Then I won't get a turn?

Um, Nardole, why don't you take the Professor down, and show him the BACKUP engines?

Nardole:  But sir, the backups are currently non-functio...

(Whispers) I know, I know.  And let him touch NOTHING, understood? (Speaking) Off you pop, you two!  Okay Maryann, kick off the final four...

MA:  Sure!  Your first choice is OC Smith and Little Green Apples at #4... Gilligan?

Gil:  Oboy oboy oboy!  Then we have The Beatles- I LOVE the Beatles!

Sk: We KNOW, Gilligan!

Gil:  They have Hey Jude at #1...
then it's Mary Hopkin and Those Were The days... those were WHAT days?

SK:  Gilligan, never mind, and just read the song!

Gil:  Okay, Skipper, that song is at #13...
And the last one is The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown and Fire at #2!

Sk:  Nice job, Little Buddy!

Yes it was, and I'm going to help with a little clue later- and that clue is this:  The number 1 and 2 on the Panel list are #s 2 and 1 on this week's UK chart!  So stay tuned for the stat pack to see the choices chopped in two!  In the mean time...


Our last M10 debut is all the way up at #5 this week!  Returning after last hitting #2 back in February of '16, here's Brooke Annibale with the piano version of her latest hit...


Let's hit that stat pack, then I have one more surprise in wait...

Debuts this week in '68 included the aforementioned Love Child at #52, the Ohio Express and Chewy Chewy at #84, the Classics IV with Stormy at #87, Dion's Abraham Martin And John at 90, and Johnny Taylor's Who's Making Love at #94.

The big mover was a tie- Magic Carpet Ride went up 18 from 60 to 42, and so did Jose Feliciano's High Heel Sneakers from 64 to 46.

The #68 in '68 is a song I know we've had before on TM- Peggy Scott and Jo Jo Benson's Picking Wild Mountain Berries;  Eddie Harris, a jazz sax-man, took the #101 with It's Crazy.

And my favorite?  Easy, it's at #25- Max Frost and the Troopers and Shape Of Things To Come.

Now, here's that clue- the top 2 in the UK, alphabetically by act, were the Beatles and Hey Jude, and Mary Hopkins and Those Were The Days.  One of them is the UK #1- and the other is next week's POTM.  But which is which?


So we've ran a little long, so I'll save the OTHER something special for next time- it's the Songs of October list!  Yes I worked myself bleary eyed to figure up the best songs of the Martin Era 2.0 for this month, and we will show them all next week!  Just one more thing:  We could subtitle the list 'Revenge of the 70's'!


The remaining M10:

Barbara Lewis slips 3 to #8 with 1963's Straighten Up Your Heart.
The Explorer's Club slides from 2 to 7 with The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore.
Loup (Hide It Away) moves up 3 to 6 for Quiet Hollers.
Last week's #1, Geowulf with Lonely, falls to #4.
7 weeks for White Reaper, as 1F sneaks up one more spot to 3.
The big leap for The Japanese House and Something Has To Change at #2, up 8 spots.

And the new #1?

...Silversun Pickups with Neon Wound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That makes Nikki Monninger the 75th contestant for this years Beauty Contest! (And yes, I did include Mrs Howell, Ginger, and Maryann!)

And finally, the Panel pick...

As you know Fire (6.25%) and Little Green Apples (8.75%) didn't quite make the cut.

The #1 song in the UK, Those Were The Days, got 25%....

So that means our winner- the #2 song in the UK this week...

...with 30%, the Beatles and Hey Jude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next week, 1969 and the songs of October!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday Bible Study: A Deep Dig Into Proverbs VIII

Although I probably could mine the shaft of Proverbs 1 for yet more treasure, I am at last moving on to chapter 2, where we see what an apt metaphor I have just used.  Outside of a rather lengthy explanation of what goes into 'the evil man' and 'the forbidden women', chapter two breaks neatly into 3 sections of 3s.  The first explains how to seek the benefits of wisdom, the second, what God does about your seeking, and the third is the benefits you can get from it.  In the chapter, it is written 'vertically'; by that I mean that the writer gives you one of those sections at a time.  I want to present them to you horizontally- going to the first part of each set, then the second, and so on, so that you can see beyond the words to the point being made.

The firsts

Pro 2:1  My son, if you will receive my words, and treasure up my commandments with you, 
Pro 2:2  so that you attend to wisdom, you shall extend your heart to understanding. 

Pro 2:6  For Jehovah gives wisdom; out of His mouth are knowledge and understanding. 
Pro 2:7  He lays up sound wisdom for the upright; 

Pro 2:10  When wisdom enters into your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, 

So we start with vv 1-2, how to obtain.  And here you obtain by "receiving and treasuring up."  A lot of the description of the simple and the fool is that they either have not or will not receive instruction.  To gain what God wants to give, you start by listening with an open ear.  But more, you have to keep what you hear like a treasure; you have to hear, and it has to stick.

If you do, then God will open the stores of His Wisdom TO you.  This is why debating atheists is a sad thing; they will all say, "I've read your Bible and all I get out of it is blah blah blah", because the door was never approached with openness and the thought of finding value, so it was never opened.

The benefit comes from the change of heart; unlike the simple and the fool, seeking God becomes a pleasant thing.  You want to do it all the more.

The seconds

Pro 2:3  For if you cry for discernment, lifting up your voice for understanding; 

Pro 2:7  ....He is a shield to the ones who walk in integrity, 

Pro 2:11  discretion shall keep you, understanding shall watch over you, 

Look at vv 2-3; this is a command to PRAYER.  You have to come in prayer before seeking if you want to learn.  Tell God you WANT to know more.

The earnestness of seeking God, the prayerful change of attitude, they will combine to build integrity within you.  That change in life, in heart, will be protected by God.

And as you learn, WHAT you learn will speak to you in every situation; it will pop up when your old ways challenge you, and be your guide.

The thirds

Pro 2:4  if you seek her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures, 
Pro 2:5  then you shall understand the fear of Jehovah and find knowledge of God. 

Pro 2:8  to guard the paths of judgment, and He protects the way of His saints. 

Pro 2:12  to deliver you from the evil way, from the man who speaks perverse things, 
Pro 2:16  these will deliver you from the strange woman, from the foreigner who flatters with her words, 

As you seek, you have to treat what you seek as not just 'trivial pursuit', or seeking some magic formula;  your attitude must be that of what you seek has EXTREME VALUE.  "Yeah, I'd like to know the Bible better so God will like me" just doesn't cut it, if you really want the treasure house opened to you.

At this point, God begins to protect your judgment; it becomes less and less easy for others to get you turned off the path.  It strikes me here that a safe can be valuable in protecting your costly possessions, but only if you PUT THEM INSIDE IT.  Otherwise, it's just another box.

The benefit is obvious- you will be delivered from those who seek to harm you through deception and seduction.  Because, you will have cultivated  the other benefits- judgment, integrity, discernment, and all the rest.

And the pathway to it all is as simple as listening, praying, and valuing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

God's Got a sense of humor part 2

All right, hopefully you've made sure I'm still alive before opening this, because I'm about to give my top five funny Biblical moments.  If you have any I missed, and feel brave enough, put the verses in the comments section and I'll see if I can work up a bit worthy of the genre.   Again, I hope everyone (including God) realizes this is just for fun- and hopefully will get some of you more interested in reading YOUR Bibles.

5- I can see you're related to the One who made Naaman swim in the Jordan 7 times... (Matthew 17)

Amusingly, Peter gets hit the second time in this same chapter, as they moved on to Capernaum and immediately Peter got questioned about whether Jesus paid the Temple Tax of 2 drachmas per.  Peter, as per usual, says, "Of course!" but then, catching the taste of his foot yet again, decides to ask Jesus.  Jesus explains to Him that God is the king of the Temple, and since no king taxes his sons, they go free.  But realizing that Peter had already opened his mouth- and that he had been questioned by people who were "fishing" for things to nail Jesus on- Jesus makes him pay.  But not by saying, "Nevertheless, go over to Judas, who has the company purse, and get a shekel for the two of us".  No, He makes Peter do it the same way the collectors got him- by fishing.  "Go out and cast a line.  The first thing you catch, open its mouth.  Grab the shekel you WILL find there out- and mind the hook- and pay for the two of us."  I don't know whether it would have been funnier to see Peter's face at this moment, or to hear the tax collectors say to themselves with a sniff, "Methinks something is fishy here."

4- Gideon, part one, or, "Do you people EVER pay attention?" (Judges 6)

The Israelites are in a bad way yet again, and this time it's Midian who are dominating them.  As usual, the people cried out, and God sends them a prophet.  This unnamed prophet tells them, "Thus says the LORD:  You have been naughty yet again.  Despite the fact that I have brought you up out of Egypt, despite the fact that I have saved you from every two-shekel dictator who can rub two swords together, including the Amalekites just last week (or at least it seems like it), here we are again.  You are in this mess because you have not obeyed me.  Again."

But since God's promises are stronger than their memory, He decides to find the unlikeliest savior of all (until Jesus), Gideon.  God sends Jesus (AKA the Angel of the LORD) to Gideon not 3 verses later, calling him out as 'you mighty man of valor' (which becomes funny in and of itself later).  To which Gideon replies:

"Please, sir, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us, saying, 'Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?' But now the LORD has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian." 

If this became the first known instance of the Gibbs slap, Jesus would have been well within His rights.   "For pity's sake, did I send the prophet last week for NOTHING?"  Thank You, God for being more patient than we are stupid.

3- "I didn't do it, she did!" "I didn't do it, he did!" (Genesis 3)

You all know this one- the kids mess up, Dad finds out, no one cops a plea, everyone gets punished.  And when you look at it that way, the thought of God having Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, all lined up on a log in the middle of Eden grilling them cracks me up.  "I didn't do it, she did!" Adam says, hinting that God let a defect sneak in when He made Eve.  Eve was like, "Well, this guy tricked me into it."  The Serpent, who entered the room to a chorus of Elvis's You're The Devil In Disguise, looks to the right, looks to the left- and gets that sinking feeling maybe he shoulda spoke up first.  So God divvies out the punishment:  "Adam, boy do I have some chores for you!  Eve, I've got something special lined up for you, too.  But, Serpent-" as the reptile sinks ever lower- "when I'm done with you, you're gonna feel like your HEAD got smashed in!"

As usual, the instigator has nothing to say.

2- Hall of Fame inductee, worst alibi ever (Exodus 32)

Aaron really earned himself a seat on the stump next to these other three with this one.  Moses has been talking to God for over a month, and the people are restless.  Despite everything they have seen over the last couple of months, they fail to connect the dots- or don't want to- and ask Aaron to DJ a 'hot time in the old town tonight' party, complete with something to stand as their "divine disco ball".  So Aaron makes a golden calf and cues the music.  When the cops- er, Moses arrives to charge all involved for disturbing the Peace of God, Aaron gives us his "you can't make this up" explanation:

Exo 32:22  And Aaron said, "Let not the anger of my lord burn hot. You know the people, that they are set on evil. 
Exo 32:23  For they said to me, 'Make us gods who shall go before us. As for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.' 
Exo 32:24  So I said to them, 'Let any who have gold take it off.' So they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf." 

"Gee, Moses, all I did was toss the stuff in.  And it popped out, like magic!"

If God were "human", He would have been up on the mountain saying to Himself, "And I just told Moses to make Aaron my priest.  Oy."

And, at my top....

1- Gideon #2, or "What did you eat before you went to bed, Abimelech?" (Judges 7)

So now we're a bit farther along the story of our "mighty man of valor", who has asked for- and received- two miracles just getting this far.  How far?  Well, we're at the night before he tales his 300 men into battle against a horde "as numerous as locusts".  And God had long since figured out (yeah, I know, He knew all along, but just play along) that He wasn't entrusting the job to the bravest son of Joash He could find.  So He gave him one more miracle- a miracle SO ridiculous, even the Apostle Thomas couldn't have doubted it.  But, it was going to take an act of courage- Gideon and his servant Purah (whose name, curiously, means 'foliage') had to sneak into the enemy camp, to hear an apparently random conversation.  I honestly cannot do a bit funnier than what happens next:

Jdg 7:13  When Gideon came, behold, a man was telling a dream to his comrade. And he said, "Behold, I dreamed a dream, and behold, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian and came to the tent and struck it so that it fell and turned it upside down, so that the tent lay flat." 
Jdg 7:14  And his comrade answered, "This is no other than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given into his hand Midian and all the camp." 

"So, I dreamed that a loaf of bread rolled down a hill, hit our main tent, and knocked it flat..."
"Wow, that must mean that some guy we never heard of before is going to destroy us all!  Either that, or we shouldn't have let that Peter fellow set up our tents..."

Barley bread:  Great for your health, unless you are a Midianite...

And there you have it!  Let me know if you find any other verses with potential, because, darn it, God has a GREAT sense of humor!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday pics

So let me first go to a walk I think from Friday... nope, no it was a week ago Saturday, lol...

After seeing a seat pad just down from our car, I then saw a pillow on the sidewalk up by the street...

...and then a shopping cart down from the bridge

Later I fought my way down to the old Scrappy's Landing, and found myself being chewed out...

...by this guy, who finally took off when I yelled at my camera, which was complaining about being cold at 40 F...

It used to be a clear shot from the Landing... nothing ever stays the same....

Skip ahead a week to this Saturday when my grandboys came to visit...

And Sunday, I thought to show you fall colors 2019...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Message: the great salvation

Today I want to share with you something I hadn't noticed before, and clarify where men and angels stand before God.  The whole thing wraps around Isaiah 6:

Isa 6:1  In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 
Isa 6:2  Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 
Isa 6:3  And one called to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" 
Isa 6:4  And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. 
Isa 6:5  And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!" 
Isa 6:6  Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. 
Isa 6:7  And he touched my mouth and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for." 
Isa 6:8  And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." 

Now at one level, this story is about, "How does Isaiah go from grovelling to boldness?"  But to get there, I need to reconstruct in somewhat of a backwards order.  We have three levels of beings here.  First, God is here, because Isaiah said he saw Him.  Which means, as no man can see the Father and live, this is Christ on the throne.  Curiously, there is NO difference between Christ and the Father for the angels; they hide their faces with their wings at ALL times.  But for us, there is a difference, because Isaiah isn't struck dead.

Despite their apparent inability to even look upon Christ, the Seraphim do not react as Isaiah did.  Instead of falling as if dead before Him as Isaiah did (as he says, because of his sins and the sins of his people), the Seraphim stand and proclaim His glory- and what a proclamation!  It was in a sermon by Chuck Swindoll that I first got the idea I'm developing here, and he curiously (to me) seemed to go back and forth as to the location of this vision.  First, he said Isaiah had come to the Temple, where he had the vision- the text doesn't say that, though I imagine that's possibly true.  Then he says Isaiah was transported to heaven.  To this I point out what Paul said about his own vision of heaven in 2 Corinthians 12- "Whether in the body or out of the body, I know not- God knows".  But then he comes to the proclamations, and when the text mentions 'the foundations of the thresholds were shaken', he mentions stone and mortar, as if Isaiah were still in the Temple.

Here I have to beg to differ with Chuck- this was in Heaven- there is no throne for Christ to sit upon in the Temple.  And the power of the proclamations were shaking Heaven itself!  A fraction of this power brought down the walls of Jericho; an iota of this power scattered the armies arrayed against Jehoshaphat.  This is power almost beyond describing, and it's no wonder Isaiah was overwhelmed.

And yet...

Now, let's look at Isaiah and that live coal.  Fact: the only altar there could be in Heaven is the altar of the Cross, where the only perfect Victim was sacrificed.  That this is the case is borne out by the fact that by being touched by the coal from it, Isaiah's sins were ATONED FOR.  This coal, if you want to see it this way, was a share of the very redemptive power that Christ wielded through Cross and resurrection!  By it, Isaiah's sins were removed by its touch.

And yet, this Seraph, this awesomely powerful being whose voice shook the very doors of Heaven... he HAD to take it with a set of tongs- HE DARED NOT TOUCH IT.

Do you get this?  This angel, so powerful and grand, so bold in comparison to the sinful Isaiah, could neither look on Christ in His glory, nor touch His salvation- but atoned-for Isaiah COULD.

In salvation, we are made superior to angels.  Now you can understand Paul saying in 1 Corinthians 6:3:

 3Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!

And it is through this power of Christ's salvation that Isaiah was boldly able to stand and say, "Here am I, send me!"  All of which is not to aggrandize man, or tell a neat story about Heaven, but to bolden the words of the writer of Hebrews:

Hebrews 2 1Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. 2For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; 3How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; 4God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

Don't YOU neglect this great a salvation...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Time Machine co-ordinates VICXV594101867

Today we go to October 18th, 1967, and I have a trio of fun things that happened:

First, the Venera 4 Soviet probe landed on Venus- and they immediately claimed that it transmitted all the way until impact.  However, after it was pointed out by scientists worldwide that many components of the craft would have melted in the 530+ degree F temps on the way down, the Soviets quietly removed the claim from subsequent reports.

Second, The American League allowed owner Charles O Finley to move the Kansas City A's to Oakland for the next season.  Missouri Senator Stuart Symington, who had the dubious pleasure of negotiating with Finley, named Oakland, "The luckiest city since Hiroshima."

Third, The Jungle Book by Disney came out today.  We all went home singing 'The Bear Necessities' along with Phil Harris's Baloo.

"Wow, I made Time Machine?  Do I get in the Beauty Contest?"

No, but there will be news about that upcoming, along with one HUGE countdown that I will have to do myself, for reasons to be disclosed shortly; a 6D that once again sent me off somewhere other than a 6D; and a NEW, that's right, NEW contest between Elvis and the Beatles!

"Yeah?  I better win this time, son..."
Well, we'll see, but right now we'd best get at this enormous Panel list!


Ahem, first, though, allow me to explain the absence of The Association as guests this week.  In researching the, er, 'bit', we discovered that their active website carried a disclaimer that contained items such as : 'Reproduction of material' etc,   'is in violation of intellectual property', etc.  Rather than deal with their admonitions in the usual manner (i.e., ignoring it), we have rescinded the invitation at this time.  We felt it only wise considering this blog is still in Facebook 'double secret probation'.  We appreciate your understanding.


All right, thanks Horace, and with that I get to do this 29-song from 110 stations list, starting with the one vote wonders:

Nancy Sinatra's Lightning's Girl, at #23;
Van Morrison's Brown Eyed Girl at #9 (is this gonna be a pattern?)

Elvis: If it is, I'm leaving!

Nah, you wanna stick around for the Beauty Contest announcement, bud!  Anyhow, next is the Hollies with a South Africa and Rhodesia only release, That's My Desire;
Small Faces and Itchycoo Park, which doesn't hit nationally till next month;
The Ohio Players' Beg Borrow And Steal at #63;
The Last Word at #76 with Can't Stop Loving You;
Booker T and the MGs covering Groovin' at #33;
The Bee Gees and Holiday at #48;
Fantastic Johnny C's Boogaloo Down Broadway at #88;
Bill Cosby's Little Ole Man (Everything's All Right/Uptight) at #7;
Scott McKenzie's San Francisco (Wear Flowers In Your Hair), which peaked in July;
Brenton Woods's Gimme Little Sign at #8;
Hey Baby by the Buckinghams at #11;
The Cowsills with The Rain, The Park, And Other Things at #49, the week's big mover after a 25-notch jump from 74;
Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Poneys and Different Drum, which somehow gets a vote despite the fact it won't hit big until January;
...and finally a local act from San Bernardino called The Light with Music Box.

Whew!  Time for our musical interlude for the week.  New at #10 on the M10, here's Amber Bain AKA The Japanese House...


Which brings me to an announcement on the Beauty Contest- it is officially on for early next year, as I have finally gotten around to gathering a list of contestants, of which Ms Bain is the 68th.  Which, after the passing of the dog that drew the winner, I really wasn't sure of.  But it is on, in some way, shape or form.  Maybe I will let Wayne Newton do it, who knows.


Anyway, back to the also recei-

Hey, what about that Beatles Contest thing?

Chill, King, right after the also receiving votes songs, 'kay?

Well, all right....

So, the ARV list begins with Bobby Vinton's Please Love Me Forever at #39;
and Sam and Dave's Soul Man at #20; with 2 votes each.

Robert Knight's Everlasting Love at #59;
Vicki Carr's It Must Be Him at #18;
the Soul Survivors' Expressway To Your Heart at #15;
and Englebert Humperdinck's The Last Waltz at #28, all with 3 votes;

Strawberry Alarm Clock's Incense And Peppermints at #44;
and the Esquires with Get on Up at #29 with 4 votes!

Now? NOW?

Okay, already!  So I had this idea the other day- I wonder, if you took the Beatles off the board, what songs WOULD have hit #1 without them?  Then I thought, why not see how many songs Elvis kept from the top, too!  So this is your contest- who blocked the most songs from the top of the Cashbox charts?  I will give you a (non-helpful) clue:  The Beatles songs involved numbered 8, and Elvis had 7 songs involved- but several blocked more than one song!

All right, I got this one, I KNOW I got this one!  Everyone, vote for ME!



And now, before I give you the Panel finalists, here's another fun bunny trail.  Our 6D victim is the song that won our Song of September, Bobbie Gentry's Ode To Billy Joe, at #5 without a vote.  Now I noted that Wiki says an outfit that mainly caters to the indie scene, Pitchfork (dot)com, had the song 'in their 200 greatest songs of the 60s'.  Since it didn't say WHERE, I went to the site, whose 'search' function is about as messed up as Billboard's.  I looked at some of their other lists, like best songs of the 2010's ( I had heard 7, 2 of them more than once) and best lps of the 2010's ( I knew songs off of 5 of them, including Leonard Cohen's You Want It Darker and Tame Impala's Currents).  So I tried searching on good ol' Google, and found the Pitchfork 60's list which was eclectic to say the least.  Before I share the top ten, I have to tell you a few things.  First I went down their list, separating the tunes into 'I agree' (77), 'I disagree' (23), 'maybe' (22), and I don't know it (78).  When I say eclectic, the original Doctor Who Theme was at #76!  Bobbie and Billy Joe ended up at #144.  But here, here are Pitchfork's top ten of the 60's:

10- Desmond Dekker and the Aces- Israelites
9- The Who, I Can't Explain
8- Johnny Cash- Folsom Prison Blues, live
7- Beach Boys, Wouldn't It Be Nice (they were VERY Beach Boys-heavy, which is nice to see)
6- Ronettes, Be My Baby
5- Beatles, A Day In The Life
4- Bob Dylan, Like A Rolling Stone
3- Sam Cooke, A Change Is Gonna Come
2- I Want You Back, Jackson 5 (which I put in the disagree pile only because it was more a hit in 1970)

And at the top?

With their second one from Pet Sounds, the Beach Boys and God Only Knows!!!!!!!!!!!!


All right, choose from these finalists this week:

The Association (again), with Never My Love at #1;

The Box Tops with The Letter at #2;

Lulu with To Sir With Love at #3;

...and believe it or not, a complete sweep of the Cashbox top 4 with the Young Rascals and How Can I Be Sure!


Here is the quick sweep of the Stat Pack:

The UK #1 was the Bee Gees, but this time with Massachusetts.

The Grass Roots claimed the #101 with Wake Up, Wake Up.

Your #67 in '67- could it be anything else but the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Purple Haze!

And my favorite?  Not a hard choice, even if it fell this week from 3 to 10, Bobby Vee and the Strangers with Come Back When You Grow Up.

Okay, let's do the Elvis Vs Beatles Contest, one at a time for each.  In order of blockage, we have:

Leslie Gore's You Don't Own Me, blocked by I Want To Hold Your Hand;
Carl Perkins's Blue Suede Shoes, blocked by Heartbreak Hotel.

Dawn (Go Away) by the Four Seasons, blocked by I Want To Hold Your Hand and She Loves You AT THE SAME TIME!
Hugo Winterhalter's Canadian Sunset, by Don't Be Cruel.

Bobby Vinton's Mr Lonely, by I Feel Fine.
Bill Doggett's Honky Tonk, also by Don't Be Cruel.

The Temps and My Girl, by 8 Days A Week.
Jim Lowe's The Green Door, by Love Me Tender.

Jewel Aiken's The Birds And The Bees, also by 8 Days A Week.
The Elegants' Little Darlin' for 6 weeks by All Shook Up.

James Brown with I Got You (I Feel Good), by We Can Work It Out.
Billy Williams, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Me A Letter, by Teddy Bear.

Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, Fire, by Hey Jude.
The Brothers Four with Greenfields, by Stuck On You.

Mercy with Love (Can Make You Happy), by Get Back.
Johnny Tillotson, Poetry In Motion, by Are You Lonesome To-Nite.

CCR, Bad Moon Rising, also by Get Back.
Floyd Cramer's The Last Date, also by Are You Lonesome To-Nite.

The Poppy Family, Which Way You Going, Billy, by The Long And Winding Road.


That's it, Elvis... you lost again...

"no... it can't be... not again..."


Let's move away from this sad scene and do the rest of the M10...

Quiet Hollers up one to #9 with Loup (Hide It Away)...
Holding at 8, Foster The People's Pick U Up...
Slipping to #7, Dolly and company with God Only Knows...
Up a spot to 6, M83 and Feelings...
Also up one to 5, Barbara Lewis and Straighten Up Your Heart...
And the top 4 holds...
White Reaper at 4 with 1F...
Silversun Pickups at 3 with Neon Wound...
The Explorer's Club with The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore at 2...

And at #1...

...Geowulf and Lonely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Panel?

The Rascals got 7.2%...

The Association got 13.6%...

The Box Tops scored 16.3%...

And the winner, with 25.4 %....

Lulu, who becomes the 69th Beauty Contestant, with To Sir With Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am beat, I am hungry, I'm slipping downstairs to brave the balogna casserole, see you next week in 1968!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday Bible Study: A deep Dig into Proverbs VII

This week, I decided to surface for a moment, to see what else we can glean from chapter one.  The chapter basically has three parts, the first of which we hit rather exhaustively- the value of wisdom and fear of the Lord.  The middle involves the vainness and motivations of the sinful, which I'm going to stumble right past for the moment.  The third section is what's fascinating to me- the invitation of the Holy Spirit (wisdom) and the response when the invitation is rejected.  Specifically as I write this, I am fascinated by the three kinds of people who may ignore or reject wisdom to their own hurt:

Pro 1:20  Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; 
Pro 1:21  at the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks: 
Pro 1:22  "How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? 

There are two other groups, of course:  the righteous, who have begun the progression through fear of the Lord; and those pesky sinners, who I have leaped over and will come back to very soon.  But first, we have the simple, scorners, and fools.  Is there a difference?  Yes and no- there will be NO difference on their current trajectory.  There is a BIG difference on how far along that trajectory, and how easy it will be to turn around.

The simple come first.  The Strong's definition calls them "silly, seducable", and the verses about them elsewhere bear this out.  They'll believe anything (14:15), including the sinner's lie about, " throw in your lot among us; we will all have one purse"-- (1:14).  According to Wesley's interpretation of 14:18, they glory in folly as in an inheritance or birthright, in contrast to the righteous, who treat knowledge as their crown.  They blunder on, not reckoning what they're walking into (22:3).  But the good news for them is they can listen to the right voices as well as the wrong.  In addition, they have the ability to learn from the punishment of scorners (19:25), so all hope isn't lost.  But their big problem, back up in our main verse, is that they LOVE being simple.  They don't want to think or consider too hard.

Then come the scorners.  We've hit this definition earlier: they are the mouthy bunch.  Unlike the simple, who aren't looking for wisdom, and fools who outright reject it, the scorner or scoffer seeks wisdom- but it is a vain, human wisdom.  Verse 14:6 says, " A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. "  They haven't gone down our progression of humility to fear of the Lord to understanding.  And the reason why is they can't hack that first step.  They won't humble themselves to take reproof or advice (15:12).  Curiously, this total belief in their own right-ness puts them into a bigger hole to climb out than the fool;  " Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. " (26:12).  Thus, he will likely be judged by his own standards and a judgment of condemnation is almost assured (19:29).

Third come fools.  I have to say it puzzles me that the definition comes to the idea of "stupid" through a root word for "fat".  Perhaps fat was an insult used against stupid people, I don't know.  I'm still trying to figure why Isaiah got so cheesed about being called "baldy".  Needless to say, the Spirit/Wisdom has its harshest words for these people.  They HATE wisdom, as well as instruction (1:7); turned away from knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  Rejecting God, he sets himself up as his own god:

PRO 18:2 A fool has no delight in understanding, but only in uncovering his heart. 

So far we have the simple: gullible, unaware of their danger; the scorners, stuck on themselves and interested in their own opinion; and fools, who actively reject the knowledge that would save them.  But what about the sinner- the wicked?  Well that second section of the chapter (vv 10-19) give us their motivations:

They seek and offer company- too cowardly to act alone;

They lie in wait, preferring ambush to confrontation;

They seek out the innocent for no good reason, desiring to spill blood, with no concern for the hell they may be sending them to;

And they are in it for the bucks, the 'precious things', the plunder.

In other words, they are the end of this 'backwards progression'; where the simple might be innocently deluded, the scorner might be merely self-deluded, even the fool might well have a 'moral compass' of sorts, this person is out-and-out evil.

But guess what?  If they don't turn back to humility and fear of the Lord, all four have the same fate:

Pro 1:30  They did not desire my counsel; they despised all my reproof, 
Pro 1:31  and they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own lusts. 
Pro 1:32  For the going astray of the simple kills them, and the ease of fools destroys them. 
Pro 1:33  But he who listens to me shall live securely and shall be at ease from the dread of evil. 

Kills.  Destroys.  Not the forfeit of life, but of SOUL. 

Two paths.  Two fates.  And a black and white line between them called fear of the Lord.