What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Vacation ends

 So Saturday and Sunday weren't picture interesting as Misty and I needed a break from all the walking. Saturday was mainly a sports day with Laurie out of town, and KC and Shenan on a holiday at Lake Michigan.  Sunday was the all-day experience of watching my boy Martin Truex Jr get eliminated from the NASCAR playoffs- which at least was entertaining, what with more than half the field crashed out.

The 'Big One" for this year

Laurie is happily watching the Hawaii Little League Team bludgeoning Curacao to death in the championship game (9-1 and the bases loaded in the third... oops, make that 12-1...), Misty is reasonably content after a short walk and a barky-park run... but me?  I'm restless.  Vacation's played out.  It gets harder and harder to get the memories to cling to me anymore.

My head is full of much useless crap.  But more blessings.

Maybe I didn't do a very good job of "redeeming the days" these last couple of days, but I am certainly no worse off and I still have a reward in heaven.  I have started studying for the next part of my Saul study, and I learned his first mistake was not waiting on God's timing, and his second was self-focus.  I would venture to say, I am guilty on both counts.

Last year at this time, I was learning a real lesson about God's timing and my self-focus- it was a year ago our Impala self -immolated...

...and replaced it with a car I had to pray over, under, and around about to acquire...

And yet, I was struggling now with this restless feeling... then KC stopped over after their trip, and I got to give him his birthday presents... and it was his reaction, his appreciation, that snapped me out of my pity party.  It's like I've told him before:  Most of my life I wasted being a taker and not a giver.  And being a giver is good.

Yeah.  Lots more blessings.  Almost enough to look forward to Monday...