What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, August 20, 2023

The return of Misty walks

 As Misty got her strength back, I started giving her some limited walks.  Starting Wednesday night...

Off we go!


A very short walk, going directions we don't usually take...

She enjoyed it, and did good!

On Thursday, I took her a bit further- and she struggled a bit.  But I think it was because she took her pain meds just before, and she got a bit 'buzzed'...

She did spot a varmint, and I let her chase it!  She fell in his hole going past it, then I told her, "He went in there!" and she came back and fell in again....

Friday we got the go-ahead to stop the pain meds, so I took her to Shoaff Saturday morning to see if it would affect her.

It was a bright, cool morning, dew everywhere.  But...

Little did we know we walked into the annual Walk For Polio!

People were everywhere, getting ready to start the walk/run

Though invited by the lady that greeted us, Misty opted out.

Just a hint of mist rising from the water

I took doggie exploring parts she hadn't been to, then left quickly

I had seen the tow display on the way in, but not the car show that was also going on down the way

Later, I took a longer walk myself...

So much color!

Misty will like this, they paved the trail behind the Alumni building!

It got so rutted, with so many big stones.

Hey, I probably cut the fabric to that boat cover!

Meanwhile, the neighbor's new porch is done.  Nice!

That brings us to Sunday, where she actually got a legit walk in- 1.6 miles...

Had a varmint peaking at us- Misty, off her game, didn't notice

She did great, only getting a little tired down the homestretch.  Maybe later in this vacay week, I'll try her down to the river- IF we wake up in time to beat the heat dome!


  1. A wonderful walk with Misty good to see she is doing better and the photos are bloody nice as well

    1. Thank you! I'd say she's better than me right now lol

  2. Enjoyed the pictures and it made me feel as if I were taking the walk with you. Can't wait to take our next adventure 😍.
