What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Thursday, August 24, 2023

What happened to vacation?

 Nothing, it's still here- but right now as I type, it is 91F with a 'feels like' of 103.... I'm not going outside!  So, when last we pictured, it was Tuesday morning and the Addison's patient had drug me through a 2+ mile walk.  Now, it is same day, and she's ready to knock out another 2 miles...

"C'mon, Daddy, let's go!"

There is literally a doggie on every corner....

...but only one bunny.

What will you do given the choice of where ever you want to go? "Let me make a big circle and sniff pee back where we started..."

Lots of socceristas, too

Did I mention lots of doggies?  Moments later, these two would meet at California road with two more coming from the south and another over from the river.

Bees don't pose

Misty spies a break in the algae

Summer Night.  Country road.  Cicadas singing a tune.  Life is good.

Almost forgot, young love

Kiddie parking  lot, lol

Misty goes to extremes to attack a long gone varmint

Good night, kitties!

Wednesday was a visit to Laurie's brothers in Huntington.  The main reason of which being, after Laurie's brother Paul passed, she's been working on a memorial to him to pass on to his church and others.  With significant help from the computer skills of niece Rachel, this was the result:

Thursday was spent shopping, sleeping- oh, and attempting an early morning walk...

The potential for it to be ugly already was there...

...but we entered a world that was dark and VERY windy.  A squall line was passing, and winds prolly averaged in the high 30s MPH.

On top of that, it started spitting rain, and until we were halfway back from turning around at California Road, we couldn't tell whether spitting was all it would do, or we were going to get caught in a downpour.  Thankfully, no pouring, but then the wind died off a bit and the heat was already nasty.

Tonight... well, 103 means whatever will be inside.  But I have the Lord and plenty enough beer, so we'll make do.


  1. Nice to see Misty has recovered so well! ♥ That's some heat wave you're having. We are getting less heat, more rain. Condolences re. Laurie's brother. That is a lovely memorial piece.
