What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 Capitalized because we are past February 29th and PlayMemories still works, despite getting a message on the 2nd that it was well and truly done.  In that spirit, here's the last two Mondays plus today...

Monday 4

As you can see, they started to "work" on whatever doing to our corners at this point.  And that's Laurie going to work.

All they accomplished- in multiple locations throughout the complex- was cutting lines in the concrete.

As you can see, I was duded up for Spring.  The weekend showed me a tad early.

Every now and again, Misty wants to go up the hill and look majestically on her realm.

Starting to get some minimal green

Dead tree:  "I've fallen and I can't get up!"  Live tree: "Get up, hell, GET OFF!"

He stuck around, his little gray friend split

Teeny flower time

Goose cricket

A good daddy takes Boofus downstream to where she can actually get to the water...

Because it weren't happening down there

New fill dirt by the river... I think it's gone now


Monday (yesterday)

Coming home, I had to dodge not only the pounders breaking concrete in one area, but the lawn crew parade of wheelbarrows putting down mulch

This is what it looks like now.

At least somebody's blossoming

New record for walking on the bridge from start until bailing

Because this is so much better

Doing some off-roading

BETWEEN them?  Really?

These two deadies are going to be the summer bet- who falls down first?  I got the little one, as I have faith in bored teenagers wanting to test their strength

Almost pulled me in....

And Tuesday AKA today...

The half-second she wasn't barking at me...

Tiny blue flowers in the yard, perhaps I should have got off distance mode

Another windy day

They were going to let their doggie run- till it saw us across the field.  Instead of waiting five minutes to let us clear, they disappeared.

Hee-Haw barnyard, duck style

Misty wanted to jump in here- a foot drop, no idea the depth, and no shore?  No, ma'am.

"Well, fine.  What did we come down here for, anyway?"

Because I wanted to see if it was any greener down the trail

Sploosh goes the nose

And this is Misty being mad at me for not going the long way....

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