What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, September 14, 2024


 This wasn't a big week for pics.  Tuesday at work, I tripped over some scrap and gackked my back.  Didn't miss work, but Tuesday and Wednesday nights were off the walking schedule.  Which was okay, because it was "WHOOSH" hot those nights.


This was not so much supposed to be a selfie, but to demonstrate just how high this weed on Groundhog Road was... see below

No rain lately, so no water on the golf course- Misty's ready to complain

The river, too was a, "Let me wade past all this gunk" adventure.

Well, scratch that romantic gesture, I guess


After the sun set, it got cooler fast, and with a slight breeze, it was great walking...

Already getting dark

But tons of people out: dog walkers, strollers, skaters, socceristas...

Oh, and the moon

That's new...

Not quite dark enough for the proper "Moon over the river" effect

This was us about a half mile from home...


Pretty morning

Autumn is coming in

And that brings us to Saturday- a morning I was musing on how "Nothing neat ever happens on our walks anymore", and considering doing a "best of " post, instead...

Actually beat the sun up for a change

"Hey, let's cross-country to the Duck Pond"

Ducks were at the river.

But here comes the adventure.  We saw this doggie and Mom up ahead.  She had her doggie sitting very still- a great feat since he was just a big puppy.  We were about as far off on the other side, with me telling Misty what a good dog that one was being, while Misty does her rush foreward, back and forth thing.  But when we got even with them, her dog ran straight for us- and SNAPPED the handle right off the leash!  She was panicking, running after the dog saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"  The dogs were playing, running around each other, I had Misty's bungee tight in my hand.

Apparently she hadn't been through one of these events before, and was trying to grab the leash instead of stomping on it to stop it first.  As a result, her doggie led her on about three orbits around us before she used her command voice to say, "Chicita! Come here!" Didn't phase HER dog, but Misty SAT DOWN; and when she did, her doggie stopped to sniff Misty's behind, and was captured.  I told her we've been through the same thing, thus the bungee leash.
"I heared a froggie!"

On the way home through the addition, we ran into a gentleman setting up tables for a garage sale.  His question, "How old of a dog is that?" started a pleasant conversation about his dogs ("The one is fourteen and about dead, and the other is three and has SO MUCH energy, I can hardly keep up"), our shoulders (His had frozen up too, his PT took three times as long and probably 6-8 times as many appointments), and the economy ("I'm putting off surgery on the shoulder as long as I can.  Everybody thinks you're rich to live back here, but you aren't, and I'm 60 and getting ready to retire, so I have to watch the money").

Just funny how you mention to God how uneventful walks have been lately, and you and doggie both make new friends!